Chapter 6- "If you're good at something,never do it for free"

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Crouched over and cradling his cheek, his mother rushed from the side benches and to his side through the restraint.

"Oh, god." Her mouth dropped open at the very slight of pain her son showed. She had no idea.

I let my eyes drift to the crowd just one more time, definitely no one important. I addressed his mum once more,

"Your precious little son has no idea does he?" I asked, not looking for an answer, "But neither do you? Do you?" The boy still hunched over lifted his head slightly to listen in, a puzzled look on his face, "As you clearly have not a clue who I am, I solemnly recommend finding out. And once you do, you'll realise how nice I'm just about to be." My calm bored voice echoed throughout the never ending silence.

Grabbing for the weaklings unsuspecting shoulders, pulling him to my side, "I also suggest you agree or else he'll never be able to get that 'great expensive football scholarship for college' that you're so greatly hoping for," I said in a mocking tone, "That also goes for the whole room too," my head turning to eye each everyone of the few middle-aged women. "Now, I'll let him go and no more bruises will adore his 'precious little skin' and no one and I mean no one ever talks about this ever again. Got it?"

The mothers' heads bobbed in a way to say 'yes'. "And if I do hear about someone even muttering a word about this, I will hurt you." I promised, raising my voice on 'muttering' and ending on another calm bored voice.

I dropped a hand from his shoulder as if to look like I was letting him go, he stepped two steps forward.

"But," I pulled him back with my other hand. The small crowd seemed to of gasped along with the mother at my sudden action.

"I do normally have bet money to take home, however I doubt any of you actually made a bet," I stated but looked around the room, into their eyes as if I was asking a question, they knew I wasn't expecting a response. "So what am I going to do?" Innocence mocking with my words, "How am I going to pay for petrol? To get here and back? What about my bills?"

I paused. A thinking expression taking over my face.

"Wait! I know. You pay me!" Directly looking her in the eye, challenging her.

"How much?" Her voice just weaker than her sons.

"A dollar for every minute wasted."

She turned to look at the clock, 20 minutes had passed.

"Plus the journey here. And back." I stated. "That's....... $60? I mean petrol is getting very expensive these days."

The mother looked back at me before rushing to her purse to count the money. I was shocked to see she had it all. I knew I came on my bike but they didn't know that, besides, I could've asked for more, I tried convincing myself that I wasn't as mean as others.

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