Chapter 2- Intelligent people talk themselves

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Not edited :/

*ring ring ring*

The regular sound of my alarm was ringing through my ears, warning me to get out of bed.

"AAAHH" I groaned.

"Do I have to get up?" I asked my empty room. "I went to school yesterday, do I have to go again? So soon?" Still no one answered.

Eventually, I got out of bed and did my normal routine of just grabbing some normal dark blue washed skinny jeans and my large off-shoulder light purple scooby doo t-shirt that had 'scooby doo' bubble white writing at the top and a picture of scobydoo eating a burger on it. Yeah, some say childish, I say awesome.

Stripping off one of my dad's shirts I wore to bed every night, I then shrugged on my clothes along with a fresh new pair of knickers and black bra, my Ipod playing 'Best Of Blur' album as I got changed.

Once I had tied up my purple converses, I went across the hall to get to the bathroom to brush my hair and apply mascara to my top eyelashes. I only ever did the top eyelashes 'cause I was cursed with a round face and small eyes, so just by doing my top eyelashes, I was balancing it out. Or at least that's what it looked like I was doing, I've never had any girl friends to teach me about make-up, I just had to make it up as I went along.

After clearing up all the times I messed up on my eyelashes, I proceeded to my bedroom, grabbed my light cameo green army style bag and went my way down stairs for breakfast. Which consisted of a small bowl of porridge oats, 3 tablespoons of peanut butter and cut up banana.

The house was quite as usual, my mum was probably still sleeping and dad.... Not here. I enjoyed the silence for now but by the time I was munching away on my bowl I was humming 'Girls and Boys' by Blur. I would've started singing if it weren't for my terrible voice and the paranoia of someone hearing me, even though I knew no one was around.


Thank god no one tried to talk to me today on the bus, I hated when they did that. It's not that I think that I'm better than them, it's certainly not. I just can't have friends. Besides, have you ever seen teenage girls on Facebook? Heard their conversations? I'm sorry but I'm not really interested in who got sucked off by a 'drunk' Chloe, or some stuff like that.

It's either gossip about other peoples lives or some hot boy-band. Neither of which I'm entertained or amused by.

Today, there's something strange about everyone. I've noticed a few more people than normal looking my way, at me. Not everyone, but a few. I think they were all in the year above, Seniors.

My curious mind almost led me to ask someone, but I soon walked the other when memories of the last time came flashing through my mind.

So, I just ignored them for the day.


By the end of my lesson just before lunch break people were still stealing glances. Obvisouly it was my class, so they had to be in my grade, Juniors. But, why?

Just as I was finishing my paragraph on why Steinbeck described the barn as alive in 'Of Mice and Men', a scrunched up piece of paper landed on the back of my head. I watched it land on the floor and then read through my paragraph again to check for mistakes. I heard someone whispering to someone else to try to get their attention.


I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I ignored it.


Then I felt a definate tap on my shoulder and turned.

I looked over and saw Tyler, one of the guys I hear alot of rumors about sleeping with loads of girls and admired for his 'oh so great 6-pack'. Ha, like I care. He was leaning over his single seat desk on the row next to mine, a few seats back.

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