Chapter 10- Even more exercise

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Bowling for Soup's 'Waking Up Today' blared out from the tiny yet surprisingly loud speaker that my phone adored across the room, charging from the only plug socket.

"Eh." I grumbled to no one and shifted more into my duvet, enjoying the warmth for just another second before I knew I had to get out.

I had set my alarm particularly more early than usual as to make sure there was time for a quick workout and breakfast this morning as of the fight.

My room was as it always is. Messy. My school bag and school stuff and books etcetera were stuffed into the corner of the dirty blue walls. Some would say our house was a dump and not worth paying rent for, but I never noticed. This waste of house is what I've only ever known, I never knew that it was considered 'bad' or a 'downgrade' compared to other houses until I moved here at where I lived became a reason for people to isolate me out.

Climbing out of bed and pushing my duvet aside, deciding it's better to just get on with it, I made a mental list of what to do:Wash teeth,Choose what to wear for the dayBrush hair. That should roughly take me 25 minutes and by then this will give me 1 hour 15 minutes. Should be enough.


I stared at the plain blue ripped jeans and printed band shirt of 'The Pretty Reckless', one more time before heading outside to the limited front green/garden. I remember when I first moved to Florida, I almost wanted to cry when I found out it never snowed, thank goodness my mother decided to move after I had grown up. But my instincts always told me to expect morning dew on the grass, but of course there was none, never in Florida.

Dressed in my three-quarter black jogger bottoms and black tank top, with of course a normal black bra topped with a black sports bra. If my old friends saw me now, they wouldn't stop themselves from calling me a chav.


 I then settled down on the grass on my back and started morning fight routine no.2. A crunch then a sit up, a crunch then a sit up, a crunch then a sit up.....    And so on until  I completed 50 of each. Proceeding on with the routine ignoring the muscle pain I felt in my abdominal and turn around to finish 75 press ups/push ups.

With the feeling of ache already burning over my body, it was about time I lungs did something. In case you couldn't tell, I hate running. So I do very little of it. As I ran I could feel the usual almost blisters I got from these trainers I've had for so long I can't remember when I got them. I ran to the abandoned house.

It always looked extra beautiful in the morning, the sun shining onto the front, lighting up through the windows, only allowing as much as the broken holey floor to be seen by whoever viewed it.  I felt as if I was into photography I could take a good few thousand pictures highlighting all different parts of the house, different sets of focus, different times of day and even featuring some modelling or portraits would also look great. I had a camera sure, my mum gave me one as present one christmas before, I just never picked up on it.

 I couldn't stand there and admire the beauty of the light stroking across the dirty old wooden planks of the house for too long so I simply turned around a complete 180 and ran back the way I came.


Still doing up the zip and buttons on my jeans, I made my way over to the pile of books I kept here. Lockers are still a bit of a luxury to me as when I attended school in England, we had to keep ALL books at home and remember which ones to bring in according to our schedule.

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