Chapter 7- Exercise and thoughts of Luke

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I was pleased to finally be heading to French to get feedback on the homework and know if I was actually correctly constructing sentences. Normally, I would think this is an okay thing to think and look forward to, however, I once learned from a previous time of actually opening my mouth, that thats supposed 'Nerd' behaviour. Despite that, I don't care nor do I see why it is a bad thing to actually be proud of something I have spent 12 years learning and achieving.

As I didn't have any friends to stop and have chat with on my way, like always I was one of the first ones to be there. But my surprise someone had beat me, Luke. I smiled in his direction where he sat relaxed not facing the front of the classroom but instead his gaze directed and distracted by the view out of the window. I smiled to be polite, not that I liked him. I had to justify, for myself I'm not sure.

"Hey, I've been looking for you. You're either hard to find or too quick," He said whilst coming to a stand between the rows of the desks.

There was a pause of silence. Was he waiting for me to say something? What was there to say?

"So..." Luke started but never finished. I waited a another second before speaking,

"Why were you looking for me?" I asked with clear confusion on my face.

"I wanted to talk more."

Why? Why did, all of a sudden he want to talk? Why was anyone talking to me? Why now, after this long? So I voiced my thoughts,


His eyes showed clear surprise, I was uncertain on the reason why. Boy, did he make me question things.

More silence followed as he chose not to answer my question, I started to feel awkward in the empty classroom.

I took this time to try to memorize Luke's appearance so for future reference I knew who he was, and try to remember his name. Dirty blond curls, strong blue eyes, fair skin with a fading tan from the summer, strong forearms leading to slight evidence of bicep.

"What class do you have next?" I wondered as the school bell is going to ring any moment and I don't want to be the reason behind him arriving late.

"You don't know?" An odd combination of amusement and surprise in his tone.

"Should I?" I was nervous and scared of the answer, my heart picked up a beat and the more I thought about it the more ragged my breaths became as I felt the pressure building in my mind.

A sigh, sort of laugh escaped his lips before he finally said the words that put my heart on pause, "I'm in your french."


I couldn't think of anything else to say, I guess could've explained how I'm terrible at names or I sit right by the window and listen to the teacher instead of turning my back, I wouldn't of seen him if he sat behind me.

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