1. The Confession˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ

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Requested by - anonymous on discord!
Words - 667

Two weeks have passed since the cold hearted warrior, Dark Choco Cookie, confessed his feelings towards the serious and hardworking, easily flustered knight of the Cookie Kingdom, Knight Cookie. At first, Dark Choco was unsure how Knight would react. Would he laugh, shattering his heart? Or would he be delighted, and accept his feelings? These thoughts wouldn't leave the exiled prince's head, leaving him troubled.

He had known Knight since his early training days, sparring alongside him, befriending the fair-haired knight with sparkly, sky-blue eyes that seemed to shine under the sun. Knight was worried sick when Dark Choco didn't attend recent training sessions, unaware the prince had been banished from the kingdom. They accidentally met while Dark Choco was peacefully sleeping in the JellyBug Forest, and Knight was overcome with shock and happiness, finally reunited with a long lost friend he had no chance of meeting ever again.

It was a rainy morning when he decided to walk down the Cookie Kingdom's busy streets, mothers taking their children to school, shop merchants setting up their stalls, and teenage cookies chatting among their friends. Cloaked and hidden, he hoped he would stay out of anyone's sight. This proved to be a challenge, his cloak being obsidian black, it was difficult to blend in with his cheery and bright surroundings. A child pointed, and Dark Choco decided to speed up with his steps before he got any more attention from the crowd.

Dark Choco neared the castle's private training grounds, hearing the grunts and pants of Knight, presumably sparring. He thought Knight was training with a dummy, but instead, Knight was sparring with a tanned, magenta-haired knight. Dark Choco was going to leave quickly before Knight, his beloved, or "magenta head", noticed.

Unfortunately, the knight had sharp eyes and turned to Dark Choco's direction, making eye contact with the exiled prince.

"Hello, Are you a friend of Knight's?", the knight turned to Knight Cookie. "I thought we were supposed to have a training session alone?", He asked Knight lamely.

"Oh-! This is Dark Choco, he's just friend, don't worry," Knight said nervously. "Would you like to train with us?", Knight asked, ignoring the look on his training partner's tanned face.

"I'll.. leave.." Dark Choco said uncomfortably.

He felt humiliated, ignoring the looks on the villagers' faces, full of curiosity about who this stranger was.

"D-Dark Choco! Wait! DARK CHOCO!", cried Knight, chasing after Dark Choco.

Dark Choco moved faster and tried to quickly leave, but Knigut had caught up with him, panting frantically.

"Knight?" Dark Choco whispered, hiding his face, trying not to get noticed by the crowd.

He heard murmers.

"Dark Choco? The banished prince?"

"I thought he went missing?"

"Let's go somewhere more private", Knight quietly suggested, as Dark Choco nodded.

The two knights walked to a quieter part of town, somewhere that looked a bit shabby. Houses had paint peeling off, some had cracked windows, and one even was missing a door, there was just a curtain divider to "avoid" getting anyone in. There was a stench of burning wood and dirty soda river water. Knight clutched Dark Choco's hand, letting go when Dark Choco blushed.

"Well.. there was.. something I wanted to tell you..". Dark Choco hesitated.

"Go on," encouraged Knight.

"The truth is... I like you. I like you a lot. Not in a friend way, in a romantic sort of way. I wanted to tell you but you were with your boyfriend..", Dark Choco tried to blink back his tears.

"Boyfriend? You mean Raspberry Mousse?" Knight questioned, and then suddenly started laughing.

"Raspberry isn't my boyfriend! But I'll tell you who is," Knight inquired, and then smiled warmly at the prince.

"It's you, you're the boyfriend I have, and you are the boyfriend I want. I like you too, Dark Choco." Knight leaned for a kiss. Dark Choco was startled, but didn't move. He enjoyed Knight's soft lips against his own.

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