Chapter 7:The Sky,Mists,and the Cloud

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Tsuna sighed fondly(but at the same time exasperatedly)as he watched his two male guardians clash their weapons with each other.

Meanwhile,Chrome sat beside him with a basket between them and a picnic blanket spread out underneath them.

The brunet knew that he was supposed to stop the two from trying to kill each other(since they started calling each other rude names again),but he eventually gave up and let them be.

It's not like they'd actually kill each other.

The two were old enough to not have him "motherhenning"(Chrome's words,not his)them around like they were little kids:they're mature enough to know when to put a stop to it and when not to.


Okay,maybe they're still having trouble in doing so.

Tsuna sighed yet again,shaking his head at the two.

"Mukuro,Kyoya.Would you please stop fighting now?We still have something important to discuss,you know?" His tone was semi-serious by then as he ignored the fact that the centipede had followed him like a loyal animal--er,insect...whatever it is.

(By dropping the usual honorific of '-kun' that Tsuna uses whenever he addresses Kyoya--or any of his guardians other than Mukuro--,he is hinting that he needs to say something important or he wants to talk about something serious.)

Chrome gave the centipede a weirded out look,but shrugged it off as she's not even surprised that even a centipede had deemed Bossu as worthy of being followed around.

She does have a question as to why it is following her boss and friend though....

"Bossu...why is a centipede following you?It's even...acting like a dog and at the same time a horse.Maybe even a cat,what with the...purring." She hesitantly stated.

Tsuna turned a little to look behind him at where she was looking at,before he deadpanned.

"So it's still following me,huh?" He muttered,mostly to himself.

Well...he usualy doesn't mind if animals or weird insects like this one followed him around.

Most of them were just drawn in by his flame's Harmony factor and the "Sky attraction" going on.

But damn...he really should have killed the centipede instead of letting it live.

...As if he can even kill such a wonderful creature who only acted out because of its instincts!He dare not hurt them,it just feels a bit wrong in doing so since it didn't even hurt him, so why kill it?

He IS a bit worried that it might hurt other people(like civilians)here in Konoha.

But he suppose he need not worry too much....there were shinobi everywhere, ready to protect its civilians and all that.

Really though,this centipede was too weird,and he didn't even know if he could bring it back to Suna or what.

N-not like he was thinking of doing so!Yeah,he wasn't...

....Wait,should he even go back to Suna?Cozart--ehem,Rasa did tell him that if he wanted to leave and not be their shinobi anymore,he could grant it.

But then,he couldn't just leave,could he?What of the children there that he had made a promise that he would come back?

There was still that mysterious one-tailed jinjuuriki to think of...

Tsuna was so deep into his thoughts that he didn't notice two of his guardians approaching.

Kyoya walked over in their direction to get closer to them and approached the centipede,curiously poking it with one end of his tonfa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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