Chapter 1:Reborn in Another World?!

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Cloudy skies hovered above the densely overgrown forest as it slowly drizzled to a stop:raindrops raced down and through the leaves of the thick foilage.

There wasn't a single sign of civilization...there was only the surrounding nature.


As if an unsaid announcement of the end of the rainy season was heard,birds cheerfully sang their morning greetings to each other despite the previous unending storm.

The sun shone brightly throught the thick canopy of forest treetops,awakening those that either went to sleep or had hidden from the rainfall.

Different species of squirrels and other creatures able to climb trees scurried up and about,searching for materials to build any damage to their home.

A hare hopped by over a fallen tree trunk,unaware of a figure resting against it.

The figure was a man with a unique choice clothing;it was shredded and torn in different places,and numerous wounds surprisingly healed themselves at a rapid rate.

The owner of this body had untamed chocolate brown locks that seemed to defy gravity,his skin was slightly tanned.


With a start,the male stirred from his slumber and let out a pained sound.


Sunset orange eyes cracked open,but immediately shut down at the audden invasion of bright light shinning over him with a hiss;before he attempted to open them...this time,he did it slowly and with caution.

'Where...where am I?'


He used his arms to support him in a sitting position and when he succeded,he used a hand to rub his left eye as he proceeded to observe his surroundings drowsily.

His last thoughts were those of the war and the battlefield:where he died after he finally won...but not without suffering heavy cadualties on his side.

Somehow,he stared at a pool of blood around him and the gaping hole on his shirt--something he found weird since his chest area was....unharmed;the blood drenching his being was still fresh,from what he can see--maybe around a minute or two ago.

He closed his eyes for a moment,thinking about why he was in the middle of the forest with tattered and shredded clothes and a pool of blood around him before reaching a conclusion.

'I have a gaping hole on my shirt,but it's drenched in with blood...there's also a pool of it surrounding me to consider.There are kunais everywhere as well as seems like a battle of sorts took place here...' He mused,engrossed in his thoughts.

All of this evidences...was he a shinobi?How did he get here?Where was here exactly?!And didn't that mean that he died again?


Suddenly his eyes snapped wide open in remembrance,and he gripped his head in pain.

Memories that weren't his--but at the same time it was his--surged into his mind.

W-what was this?What are these memories?What--how..?!

Visions of pictures and scenes flashed before his eyes,like a story book or a tv show unfolding before him...showed him of these things called "jutsus" and his family...his supposed clans.

𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂 𝑹𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒏 𝒊𝒏...𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒐?!Where stories live. Discover now