Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Kendrake, Tenan, and Jarrer flanking her, Ara and Lodan made their way to the head of the Calvary. She knew she looked impressive in her fine charcoal and gold armor, but she didn’t feel impressive.

For one thing, in the predawn chill, the armor was bone numbingly cold, in addition to being cumbersome and heavy. And it was loud, announcing every move she made in the eerie silence of thousands of silent, watching men.

She felt the weight of their hope like a harness across her chest. “I’m sending all of them to Bondell,” she said to Lodan.

“It was a necessary sacrifice.” Unlike herself, Lodan didn’t just appear impressive. He was impressive. Through their bond, she couldn’t feel any sense of inadequacy or even discomfort.

She sighed. “So many sacrifices. My mother. My life. My freedom. And now my home. What else will I be required of me before it ends?”

“More,” Lodan said simply.

She noticed that most of the soldiers wore a knot of dyed horsehair in their helms. Coen had explained the meaning to her earlier. It was really very simple. Each color revealed the man’s rank. Green was for Petties, who commanded 10 men. Yellow was for Cents, who commanded 100. Red was for Grands, who commanded 1,000. Blue was for Tens, who commanded 10,000. Grey was for the Second and Third in command.

But her Guard had been given two colors, white and black. The hair fell down on each side of their helms, giving them both authority and exemption over any other commands.

And as the First, Coen wore solid black. “Ready?” he asked her.

            Her insides squirmed as if a fish flip flopped in her stomach. “Where’s Bomin?”

Coen grunted. “He insisted that the infantry would benefit greatly from his expertise.”

Even through her nervousness, she managed a chuckle. “Truer words were never spoken.” She exchanged a loaded glance with her father. He nodded to her. The meager breakfast she’d been able to stomach sat like a hard lump of clay in her gut. I won’t be afraid! “I’m ready.”

Coen made a gesture and the soldier’s manning the huge gates began circling the wheel that operated the enormous pulley.

Her view opened to the plain slopping away from the castle. She knew the risk Coen took by leaving the safety of a fortress to fight their enemy on equal ground. But they didn’t have time to outlast a siege.

Coen leaned in. “Three legions are circling the enemy’s north flank. They left hours ago. If all went as planned, they should be in place.”

Ara appraised him. “You’re very good at this, aren’t you?”

Tenan grunted. “He ought to be.”

Coen shot Tenan a withering glance before giving another hand signal. Moving to a lope, they took off at the head of the Calvary. All commands were given by hand signals—only the chinking of the armor and the sounds of horses betrayed them.

Her Gift seemed to chant in time to Lodan’s hooves, danger, danger, danger. She forced it away and was releaved when the warning fell blissfully silent.

The Kanovian’s alarm horn sounded. Coen ordered the cavalry into full gallop. In the distance, chaos erupted. She could make out Kanovians stumbling from their tents, men running everywhere.

And then she was within range. Standing in her stirrups for balance, she fired her bow. Kanovians and Hebocks dove for cover. A smattering of return fire fell around her. A few hit her and Lodan’s armor and bounced off.

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