Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

After listening in disbelief to their tale, the captain of the first watchtower generously offered to send men up the canyon to bring back horses and supplies for the former slaves.

Ara turned to Tenan. "I believe they're safe enough that we could go ahead of them."

A grin split Tenan's face. "Home."

"I'll go with you," Zacar offered.

"Course you will," Tenan mumbled under his breath.

Ara shot Tenan a disapproving look before nodding to Zacar.

The others seemed relieved to rest after weeks of forced march. Mothers reached up to pull their children from Lodan's back. He trotted toward her, as glad to be free of the burden as she was.

Bomin took one look at the horses and balked. "I'll guard the people. If you don't mind, Ara?"

She smiled. "Very well master Miner." But she was surprised at how difficult it was to part with Bomin. He'd been her constant companion ever since they'd left the Blood Mountains.

Bomin squeezed her middle before backing up. "Speedy journey, Missy."

After weeks of walking, it felt good to sit in her saddle. The three of them rode ahead with Tenan on Killer and Zacar on the best mount the watchtower had.

By evening, they'd passed the second tower, but decided to continue despite the lure of sleeping indoors. Just before nightfall, Tenan lit a solitary fire and they stretched out on their blankets.

Tenan and Zacar quickly fell asleep, but Ara couldn't settle her mind. She kept thinking about the chaos she'd brought to her beautiful valley. How many trees had been felled? How many solitary places destroyed?

And Coen . . .

She quietly slipped on her boots. "I need to be alone for a while," she told Lodan.

He nodded, understanding her frustration. "Take your weapons."

Ara complied, belting Haunin's sword and Coya's quiver. She wandered through a grove of quaking aspens-their leaves twirling in the slight breeze. The moons were full and bright, casting a pale light over her surroundings. She found a small stream. Removing her boots, she placed her bare feet in the chill water. She pulled a stem of grass and chewed on the crunchy new growth.

"Zacar is coming." Lodan informed her.

"All right." She didn't turn as he came up behind her. Sitting next to her, he dangled his feet in the water. "Ara, have you thought any more about what I said?"

She hesitated. "My life isn't my own Zacar. It probably won't be for some time."

Nodding, Zacar wrapped his arm around her waist. They sat in the moon's light, mostly listening to the subdued sounds of night. Finally feeling a little tired, she rose quietly. "I think I'll head back now."

"I'll come with you." Zacar held his hand out. She pulled him upright, but he didn't release her. Instead, he pulled her to him and kissed her again. As the kiss went on, a strange excitement built up in her chest. He pushed her against a tree and the excitement exploded.

Suddenly, Coen's face came to her mind as clear as rainwater. She pushed Zacar away. "Why is it that I ask you not to, and yet you still do?"

"Why is it you never stop me?"

If only I knew the answer to that question, she thought. Side by side, they walked back to the campfire. Only when they'd reached the light thrown out by the glowing embers did Zacar release her hand.

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