Mutant Wither Skeleton

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Sorry if this one isn't as good as the previous ones, this is literally just repackaging Caleb's story since both are heavily intertwined with each other and I'm starting to lose motivation to continue this book. Also finals are coming up soon by the time I finish writing the first pass of this.

-TW: minor transphobia and implied suicide attempt-

Name: Chanthavong, Tōshirō/Nicolas/Cole

Day of Birth: 25/07/2506

Pronouns: He/Him

Description: Cole is a reserved, intimidating mob on the surface, but has a very gentle soul. He often has little to say, partly because he's scared of what others would think, mostly because he doesn't like talking to people. Compared to most other mutant wither skeletons, Cole is significantly less callous and aggressive; he does not enough time or energy to indulge in that kind of BS. Cole's a huge softie for domestic life (though it's not gonna beat his autism for public transport systems). Nathaniel is his #1 supporter.

Cole was born in the Japan of the Nether before their parents moved back to Canada in the Overworld (work visas expired). Cole has little to no memories of his childhood in Japan though their mother's side still remembers them before the move, much to Cole's chagrin. However, he does recall going to the Nether quite often during his early childhood; it was in Canada, though.

When Caleb was around 2, Cole still remember their ears ringing from the many times Caleb threw a tantrum when Cole left for school. Caleb denies this ever happened, but the rest of his family (and some older friends) objected.

During their early years in primary school, Cole was very social. They used to make friends left and right like nothing! However, Cole thought it was strange they had to keep their mutant identity a secret from their friends. Their parents never really elaborated why, but they'd just figured to tell a friend about it when their parents approve.

One day, they were introduced to their parents' friend's son: Nathaniel. The two were quite unsure at first, mainly just hanging out together out of pure boredom. Eventually, those times started to add up and sooner or later, they became best friends. To say a Wither Skeleton and a Pigman getting along is a rare site is an understatement; both of their parents were ready for bloodshed. It never happened; in fact, it never would have as we can see later.

Both Cole and Nathaniel were allowed to be undead mutants together. Out of all their friends, these two were the closest together. They found comfort in each other's presence and were excited by every possible meeting they could have with each other. The endless conversations about the relationship between urban engineering and material science amused each other to no end, even if they didn't have a comprehensive grasp on the topics at the time. To Cole, Nathaniel was the only mob to fully understand them & tolerate their ramblings, something a forever best friend would do. Cole didn't realise it at the time, but Nathaniel felt the same way, if not more intense.

One fateful Sunday, Cole's hometown was targeted by the humans. By this time, Blaine was around 4, about 5 years younger than Cole & still learning about the world.

Cole remembered every bit of that day.

They were especially close to their mother, at the time. Cole winces at the image of what became of her. He can still see her cracks & scars from that day. He mourns the years he lost with his mother & father.

Cole was back in the Nether to live with their grandparents from their father's side. They felt scared for their life, anticipating the next attack. They ended up going to Nathaniel's house frequently to feel better, something he took note of but refused to ask why. Cole just wanted some peace in their life.

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