Mutant Creeper

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Name: Houben, Karl/Caiden

Birthday: 25/3/2511

Pronouns: He/Him

Description: Mutant Creeper that lived with a Ghast for a few years earlier in his life. Karl is very energetic (as long as they know you), sweeter than an American soft drink, and hates to raise his voice. Karl doesn't understand certain types of sarcasm and may get whooshed from time to time. He is a great organizer and teaches German & college-level chemistry at a cross-dimension school. He occasionally publishes his research in electrochemistry.

Born in north-western Germany to a Dutch father & Polish mother, he has never experienced any problems with humans for a long time due to the humans of the country being afraid of getting involved in a conflict again.

Unfortunately, the mobs there got attacked by other humans, leading to the family migrating to northern Europe of the Nether: to be precise, Finland. He was 5 at the time, only with 2 years worth of memory. Karl thought it was quite meek back there.

For the rest of his childhood, he got taken care of by a family of Ghasts nearby while Caiden's parents were at work. From there, his friendship with their son, named Felix, begun. The two often play after Felix gets home from school; usually, Felix held back playing as rough as he'd normally would with his peers with the young Creeper.

When Caiden went to school, he had difficulties interacting with their peers, toning down his enthusiasm in the process. However, his time with Felix made up for it & blossomed his interest in chemistry. The two attended a cross-dimension school where they studied with other friends.

His life remained the same throughout the time, meeting other children like them, doing random science experiments, and many more. Felix had two friends he befriended: they were Nathaniel, a zombie pigman (not zombified Piglin); and Cole, a wither skeleton, both of whom were older than Caiden but slightly younger than Felix.

Felix often hung out with the two, mainly to pass time as he waited for Caiden's parents. However, Caiden always found Cole a bit too paranoid about his own siblings. One of them was Caleb. Caleb, a "regular" skeleton (though he is classified as a "Nether skeleton" due to being Nether-born), wanted to show Cole that he was fine on his own, so he befriended Caiden and Nathaniel's zombie cousin by the name of Zephry. The trio hit it off. Under the supervision of their guardians, they hung out after school, usually to screw around & find out. The older ones were always surprised at how none of them ever got seriously hurt considering Felix taught Caiden how to make fire and Caleb is... Caleb.

Somewhere during this time, Caiden was no longer an only child. In fact, he got a brother & sister at once. Caiden did not like the loss of his only child status at all. On top of being 11 years older and having sensitive audio processing, Caiden found it extremely difficult to connect to them. This rift can still be felt today.

One day, in Caiden's fatherland, the mobs got back the town that was taken over with the help of the humans that never wanted the invasion to occur. Caiden was 13 at the time and always wondered what was it like back in the Overworld. He knew what the Germany of the Nether was like, but not in the Overworld.

It was a cultural shock to him when he came back. It was so much different than in the Nether. The one thing remained the same: the people. Caiden feared being too quiet for those in the area but blended in perfectly in the end. The only complaint he had was the "lack" of personal space. He lived in Finland for 8 years, after all. Adapting was difficult as he was at the age where learning is slightly harder and figuring some stuff out about their identity.

Around the same age, his parents told them a secret. For the longest time, his parents hid the fact that they were all mutants for a long time. The same spell Hibiki was taught to change their form was used on Caiden. They feared the resentment Caiden might get from their peers, but after further thought, his parents figured it was time.

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