Mutant Enderman

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Name: Owari, Hibiki/E̶v̶a̶n̶ Edward

Birthday: 13/8/2505

Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them

Description: He's a mutant Enderman. Edward is generally shy & would normally communicate via telepathy in public. He does not enjoy having his personal space being invaded but would not do anything about it. Edward is from the Japan of the End, thus contributing to their asocial personality. He gets uncomfortable quickly during conversations, especially with strangers.

In private, Edward is described as thoughtful & calculating, often found alone in his room writing or animating. According to his wife, Etsudo, Edward is pretty meek but an absolute sweetheart she'll die for. Edward is socially awkward in every friend group he's a part of & does not pick up social cues of any kind very well. A childhood friend helped him gain some confidence before they had to move to Canada of the Overworld. He had a little brother when he was near 3 named Rokuro, aka Elias.

Hibiki was ridiculed by their classmates very often for their "quirkiness" during primary school, knocking down their self-esteem. This was at the time when Hibiki never told anyone but close friends about their bloodline of mutants from both of his parents' sides. They also had some issues relating to their peers on a more fundamental level, though it went unnoticed by everyone except for their childhood friend who related to that struggle. Their parents took note of this, & transferred them to a cross-dimension school, similar to that of an international school. Despite that, some of them still continued to harass Hibiki outside of school.

This was where Hibiki, who had the ingenious idea of making their Westernised name "Evan" at the time, met Antonio, a Blaze (we'll get to him later), & befriended him. The two spent a lot of time together after school, mainly because Antonio had difficulties in Science & Hibiki's struggles with social interaction. Over time, they learned about each other's cultures & improved with time. The two and a mutual even agreed to take a Netherian Japanese course together when the time came.

One day, Hibiki was running errands & ran into their childhood friend after many years, who was visiting relatives. The two caught up for a bit before parting ways again, only connected by social media and video games. The friend regularly joined Hibiki, Antonio, and another friend in video game lobbies, trash talking & coordinating pushes together for hours on end. By that point, even though only one of them met the figure in person, all of them were well acquainted with each other. Hibiki hyped this friend up for years though none of them would ever be in one place for many years.

Then, an inter-species war occurred between humans & mobs. As almost 13-year-old Hibiki & 10-year-old Rokuro went home to see their parents; they weren't there. Their house was scavenged by humans. Hibiki knew both his brother & themself must leave their homes.

They eventually saw their parents again. The family made a plan to send the children off to the portal they use to go to school while the parents fend off the humans. They promised they'll come join their children later.

The underground school's front yard was filled with many children, confused as to what was going on. The chatters & the wailing of the other children overwhelmed Rokuro.

"Don't worry, little brother," Hibiki said. "Mum & dad are very strong. I'm sure they'll be here soon."

Then, the ill-fated phone call.

"Hibiki, Rokuro, my dear children, please listen to us carefully. We're sorry. We tried as hard as we can, but by the time we got to the portal, it had already self-destructed. Akane- your mother predicted that in the next few days, all communication systems set up by mobs would be cut off. Any future communications not from a human would be tracked & hunted down.

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