Lazy Intro

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NOTICE: Major revisions have been made and will be recorded in the near future. If it comes, it comes.

Oh, it appears that you've stumbled upon this "story" book (art book but with no pictures), eh?

Whelp, I'm here to tell you you're not missing out on much. It's just some refurbishing on some old fan characters I made a few years ago and some concept ones that literally have no backstory yet.

If I ever get an ego boost, I may post what they look like with some sketches, however they may not come out as I would like to (ie, the eyes look too identical on each character). Overall, just some teenager's fantasy world with a lot deviation from the original lore. May contain cringy cliches as leftovers. If the design is too meticulous in my head, DO NOT EXPECT ANY SKETCHES AT ANYTIME.

I'm only making fanfic for fun and something to do. That is all.

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