𝚄𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚒𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚕

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Y/n POV:

umbridge and professor mcgonagall arguing, "I'm merely requesting that when it comes to the students u don't harm them" argued professor mcgonagall. "So silly of me but it sounds as though you are questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva" argued umbridge. "Not at all Dolores, merely your mid evil methods" said professor mcgonagall furiously. "I'm sorry dear, but to question my practices is to question the ministry, and by extension the minister himself, I'm a tolerant woman but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty" said umbridge. "Disloyalty" said professor mcgonagall. "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared, Cornelius, would want to take immediate action" announced umbridge. Oh fuck what is she going to do now? This can't be good. "I have a bad feeling about this, she might not even allow us to make out or get touchy" I said. "I don't care about the rules" said Draco and kissed me, I blushed. "Wanna walk in the courtyard?" Asked Draco. "Sure" I replied.

We went to the courtyard and started walking and talking. "Do u think this will be a good year" questioned Draco. "No, with Voldemort back and umbitch here, and the ministry interfering, I don't think so" I answered. "Is it really true that he's back" asked Draco. "Yea, I saw him he looks scary and creepy and ugly" I replied. We went back inside and saw filch hanging up something, it said

Dolores jane umbridge has been appointed

to the post of Hogwarts high inquisitor.

"Omg seriously, why her" I complained. "This is going to be a long horrible year" said Draco. "I'm going to go to the common room" said Draco. "Ok I'll go to my dorm" I said. "See u my love" said Draco and kissed my cheek. I went to my dorm and started reading the daily prophet then I decided to make a party tonight I called Pansy and told her she agreed then after 10 minutes of reading.

I went Dracos dorm and saw him...........crying and Blaise was next to him comforting him and Pansy too, but why is he crying? I thought to myself. "It's ok bro" said Blaise. "Listen I know y/n she would never do this" said pansy. This is about me? But what did I even do? "Hey, what's going on" I said confused. "Don't act like u don't know" said Draco and looked at me, his eyes were red and there were tears............."what the hell did I do" I said. Draco just kept crying. I left the common room. "What a SLUT" I heard a hufflepuff say, tears stung my eyes. "SLUT" yelled a Gryffindor. "Whore, Draco deserves better" said a random Slytherin, a tear rolled down my cheek. I ran to dracos dorm "CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, they are calling me a slut and a whore and saying Draco deserves better what the FUCK is going on" I yelled. Draco got up and stepped closer to me and looked me in the eye furiously "Did u sleep with Nott" said Draco. "I-what" I said confused. "DID U FUCKING SLEEP WITH NOTT" yelled Draco. I flinched, a moment I was in my room it was normal then I came out and this happened what the actual fuck. "No I didn't" I said. "DONT LIE TO ME" yelled Draco. "I didn't, and I love u not him" I said. Draco huffed and ran his fingers through his hair. "It's a false rumor and I know who spread it" I said and Ran to Theo who was sitting on the couch in the common room. "HOW DARE U, SPREAD A FALSE RUMOR ABOUT ME HOOKING UP WITH U, I WOULD NEVER DO THAT AND INCASE U HAVE FORGOTTEN I HAVE A BOYFRIEND-" I yelled. "WHAT ARE U TALKING ABOUT" yelled Theo. I slapped him and punched his nose and was about to leave. "WAIT! I didn't spread the rumor" said Theo. "What are u talking about it's obviously u" I scoffed. "I don't have a crush on u anymore I like someone else, ever since your bloody boyfriend beat me up I started liking someone else it's Daphne greengrass" said Theo. "Ok if it isn't u then who is it? and OMG u like Daphne greengrass" I said. "Yea, I do" said Theo. "Wait if it's not u it's either a girl that likes Draco or a boy that likes me but, it's not u" I said.

I ran to dracos dorm. "I didn't hook up with him it's a rumor and he didn't spread it he said he likes someone else so it might be a girl that likes u babe I would never cheat on u" I said and hugged him and wiped his tears away. He hugged back. "I'm sorry for believing the rumor" said Draco. "I know" I said. "I love u" said Draco. Butterflies in my stomach, "I love u too" I said and kissed him.

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