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they arrived at Hogwarts.

"wow it's so wonderful," said y/n.

"yes it is," said Hermione.

they all go inside.

everyone was chatting.

"Quiet!" said Dumbledore.

"Please welcome professor RJ Lupin who will be teaching DADA," said Dumbledore.

"of course, that's who gave you the chocolate Harry," said Hermione.

"pottah pottah is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted" said Draco.

"stop Draco," said y/n.

"shove off Malfoy," said Ron.

"How did he find out?" said Ron.

"Just ignore it," said Hermione.

" We have a new student who was supposed to join us 3 years ago and is joining us now so please welcome Y/n Severus Snape," said Dumbledore.

everyone looked at u.

"Y/n Severus Snape, she did not tell us she is Snape's daughter and I remember Snape only had one daughter and y/n was just with us, why didn't she tell us she is Snape's daughter? guess a ton of surprises," said Ron. 

"yeah maybe she will be Gryffindor," said Harry.

"Don't be ridiculous, Harry, how could Snape's daughter be a Gryffindor? that's just barbaric" replied Hermione.

"Maybe she will be a Hufflepuff or Slytherin or maybe Ravenclaw because she was kind to us, unlike other Slytherins, so maybe not Slytherin," said Ron.

"Ron, not all Slytherins are bad but yeah maybe," said Hermione.

"y/n we need to sort you into your house," said Dumbledore.

"they are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin," said Dumbledore.

"Alright y/n come and take a seat, I will set the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your house," said McGonagall.

Y/n walked, took a seat and Mcgonagall placed the sorting hat on her head.

Draco hoped y/n will be in Slytherin like him.

"Hmm....your cunning yes....ambitious....yes and a nice thirst to prove yourself....but you are also loyal, kind, hardworking, and fierce.......hmm maybe Hufflepuff......better be...SLYTHERIN!!" announced the sorting hat.

Everyone wasn't shocked, Draco was happy along with his friends. All the Slytherins were clapping.

"Y/n over here!," yelled Draco.

"Draco I got Slytherin," said y/n.

"that's marvellous," commented Draco.

"You may begin the feast," announced Dumbledore.

"Draco will you show y/n the Slytherin common room,?" ordered Snape.

"Now you may head to your dorms," said Dumbledore.

"so I will show you the dorms," said Draco.

they arrived at the common room.

"so we are here," said Draco.

"wow, it's wondrous," complemented  y/n.

"so you can go to the girl's dormitory, oh and first ask your dad who your new roommate is, I can take you to him if you want," said Draco.

"sure," said y/n.

they go to Snape's office.

y/n knocked on the door. 

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