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                        Y/n POV:

"Hey umm Love I'm going to Harry" I said.  "okay, have fun" said Draco and kissed my cheek. I went to the room of requirements and sneaked in, everyone from Dumbledore's army was there. "Hey harry" I greeted. "hey your 10 minutes late" Said harry. "I know I couldn't exactly tell Draco about our spot" I said. "I bet you two were snogging like always" Said Ron. "Maybe" I giggled. "Gross" Ron laughed. "What will we be doing today, Harry?" I asked. "Great question y/n, We will be learning the Patronus Charm. The Patronus Charm is a spell that can help you against Dementors but you need to think of a happy memory, a very powerful one and allow it to fill you up, okay you can start everyone"  Harry explained.

Think of the happiest memory he said hmm maybe when I was in Hogwarts for the first day, I closed my eyes "Expecto patronum" I said but it didn't work. Wait.......Draco the love of my life, the best thing that has happened to me, i started thinking of all our beautiful moments and I closed my eyes "Expecto Patronum" I said and when I opened my eyes I saw a kitten flying around me, I giggled. "Well done, y/n" said harry smiling.

Everyones patronus were flying around the room, then suddenly the chandelier was moving, everything was shaking and my patronus died out. "What the hell is going on?" I whispered. "I think someone is coming" Said harry. "Oh no" I said and gulped.

The wall had glass on it, it shattered and there was a hole in the wall. Harry looked inside the hole. "ill make short work of this, Bombarda maxima" Said a voice it was umbridge oh no and the wall crashed, Some glass stabbed my hand, I winced. I looked in front and saw umbridge with other slytherins who were giving me and Ally dirty looks because we were with them, I looked down. I saw Draco, he looked mad. "You may leave, I'll take care of this" Said umbridge. "Mr. potter and Ms. Chang come with me" Said umbridge and they followed her.

Draco grabbed my hand tightly, it hurt so bad "OW!" I yelped, He pulled me to his dorm and threw me on the bed "OW! WHAT THE HELL" I yelled. "WHY THE HELL WOULD U KEEP THIS A SECRET FROM ME" he yelled so loud, I flinched and tears filled me eyes. "WE ARE SUPPOSED TO TELL EACH OTHER EVERYTHING" he yelled. "I-" I said but I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. "Y-YOU WOULD HAVE EXPOSED US" i yelled. He punched the wall and his knuckled were purple, I flinched as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I-I'm sorry" I said. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at me as another tear rolled down my cheek, I tried so hard not to Breakdown crying but, suddenly I found it hard to breath, I touched my throat and tried breathing, he looked at me in concern and i turned around so he wouldn't look at me, I sat on the floor still trying to breath. He grabbed a bottle of water and ran to me "Hey hey hey hey Darling look at me and breath with me okay?" Said Draco, I nodded. He breathed in and breathed out and I did too. "you okay?" He asked worried. "I'm fine, I don't know what's wrong with me, why am I panicking?" I said and started crying, he hugged me. "I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you because they are my friends and I don't want to betray them, I'm so sorry" I sobbed. "Shhh its okay, Darling" said Draco rubbing my back to calm me down, He looked at my hand and gasped. "What happened to your hand, Darling?" he asked. "When umbridge crashed the wall open, some glass stabbed my hand" I said. He took some rubbing alcohol and a bandage and put the rubbing alcohol on my hand then the bandage and kissed my hand, I smiled.  "Draco what if they sent Dumbledore or harry to Azkaban" I said. "Maybe they didn't should we check, Darling?" he replied. "Yes" I said.

We were walking to the great hall when we saw a huge crowd of people and filch hanging a sign that I'm guessing is umbridge's I read it and it said:

Dolores Jane Umbridge has Replaced Albus Dumbledore as head of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

"No no no no no, this is horrible" I said. "No not the stupid old hag" I heard Hermione say. "Hey Mione where's Dumbledore?" I asked. "He disappeared, I wasn't there tho, harry told me that Dumbledore disappeared" Hermione responded. "WHAT?!" I said shocked. "We don't know if he is coming back" Said Hermione. "What are we going to do?" I said. "I don't know" Hermione.

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