Chapter 30

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Depictions of violence and gore, please skip this chapter if this is triggering!

Two weeks ago

"Please Tyth, we need to go after her!"

They stared at the ruins of the ron, the smouldering floor and dust covering everything save for the circle around us where the shield Tyth had flung up that had protected them.


"I can't just stay here and do nothing! Who knows where they are taking her, what they plan to do with her!"

Tyth took her hand. "I know how hard it might be, but we need a plan. We don't even know where they have taken her. You need to stay strong ok. We will find her. I promise you." He lifted his hand up to her face, wiping away a stray tear. She nodded.

The next day, they sat above ground, looking out for anyone that may be coming.

"So, how do we know where to find her."

"Her dragon." Every one turned to Risha, who had not spoken since breaking down the night before.


"Her dragon. He could track her scent, even if they cannot connect, he can find her."

Adonnija looked at her quizzically. "Where did you learn that?"

"I've done some reading." She smiled, reaching into the sack at her side and pulling out a large leatherbound book, dropping it on the ground with a thud. She opened it, thumbing through the pages until she found the passage she was looking for.

The Dragon, no matter what the breed to age, can track with scent,

As long as they know what it is they must track, they will be able to follow it no matter where it has gone.

They stared at the page, their last sliver of hope in the darkness that had crested in the few hours after Kelsie had been taken. Silence coated the air, no noise except for the rustling of the barren trees and rumble of distant sandstorms.

"So," said Adonnija, lifting his head from the book and placing his hands in his lap, "This is the only way we can find her?"

"It would seem so."

Risha looked up at the two of then, eyes starting to sting once again. "You may think we have all the time in the world, but you don't even have any ideas! Sitting there, pondering, weighing the consequences will get us nowhere. For all we know they've killed her already!"

"They won't have done that."

"What?" Risha's voice ran out sharply.

"They want her powers, yes? They can be defeated by fire and light, so having her bow to them will ensure them less danger if we are to fight them."

"No— No they can't!" She paused, sobbing slightly, "Please Tyth, we have to"

Aerice softly cleared her throat from behind Risha, stepping forwards and placing her hand on Tyth's shoulder. "I think we should go. If we have a shot at saving her, we should take it."

Adonnija's voice rang out "We don't even know where she is!"


"She may very well be broken, dead"

"Listen to the girl. Listen—"

"We can't afford to lose anyone else—"

"Shut up. Shut up ALL OF YOU!"

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