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WARNING: Eden Karrington is an original character, and is not based on any actual person/people.


"Eden, no!" Corpse yelped, falling back onto his back on his bed, his girlfriend falling on top of him, long nails tickling his sides. With her long legs straddling his hips, he was trapped under her and her fingers. Corpse tried to contain his laughter, his hands finding their way to her hips, pushing her moving hands away from him. "No tickles," he pouted, out of breath.

Eden laughed at him. "Aw, my poor baby!" she joked, babying him teasingly by running her fingers through his hair, kissing his nose. "Want me to kiss it better?" she asked quietly, repositioning her mouth over his, inches from his lips.

He let out a deep breath, his eyes trapped on her smooth lips. His tongue flicked over his lips, wetting them slightly. Just as he was about to move up to trap her lips in his own, he hears it.

His door swings open before he can push Eden away from him, and off of his lap. His mother stands at the now open door, eyes wide and fists clenched at her side.

"Mom, it's not-"

She lifts a hand to stop him from speaking. Eden watches on with wide eyes. She had been to her boyfriend's house before, but never when his mother was home. She knew it wasn't a good relationship just from the little she knew about the way they communicated through phone calls and text messages. She had read them herself. But Eden wasn't the type of girl to get involved with that sort of thing, she was there to support her boyfriend, and that was it. Nothing more, nothing less. If he needed her, he would ask.

"Eden, is it?" His mother's voice was raspy, an apparent smoker. Eden nodded. "Eden, would you give me and my son a moment?"

Eden nodded, leaving her boyfriends room, and the house altogether. He would call her later when she was welcome back. He wouldn't want her to hear what he was going to go through, he had made that clear enough before.

The following week, Eden entered the home hand in hand with her boy. He was warm, and happier than he had been the last time she saw him. Flipping a knife in the hand that wasn't occupying her own, he led her down the hall to his bedroom. She noticed the door at been removed, and there were scratches in the walls from blades, but she didn't mention it. He wouldn't appreciate that. She was there when he needed, and for now, he was okay.

She laid on his bed while he sat at his desk, flipping the knife anxiously through his fingers. Eden avoided looking. It made her anxious to watch what soothed him.

"I need your opinion on something," he said excitedly, pulling a piece of crumpled paper from one of his desk drawers. His eyes full of excitement, he scooted his chair over to her, nearly shoving the page in her hands.

His handwriting was tough to read, but she was used to it, now.

There were a multitude of words combined into names littering the page. Many of them made Eden cringe and scrunch her nose.

She stared at the combinations of names while he watched her in silence. '

"These are for the channel name right?"

He nodded.

After a few moments...

"What about if you combine the beginning of this one, and the end of this one?" She pointed to two of the names on the page, shrugging at her own suggestion.

"Corpse Husband?" He tried it on his tongue. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "I like it, actually."

"Corpse Husband," Eden repeated, nodding in agreement. "Honestly, it sounds more like you than your actual name," she encouraged, laughing lightly.

He smiled at her. "Now that I can actually make the channel now... I can post the video," he proposed.

"Yup," Eden nodded, handing him back the paper which he crumbled up again and threw it on his floor somewhere.

Corpse's first video had done really well. Better than either of them had expected.

Eden had already had a small following from streaming video games on Twitch, but nothing like what the Corpse Husband channel on Youtube was getting with every new video.

Corpse had decided not to show his face, his real name, or any of his personal information, which Eden secretly appreciated. It made it easier to stomach the idea of thousands of girls fawning over her boyfriend when she was the only one who knew who he truly was.

The only downside of the privacy was how little Eden was allowed to talk about Corpse and his success. She wanted to brag about him to her chat, and her friends she had made while gaming. She wanted to bring Corpse to creator events to meet his supporters, and be able to stream with him sometimes.

But he wasn't comfortable, and for now, that was okay.

Alright folks, you guys gotta pay attention to the time at the beginning of these chapters okay!! it'll be going back and forth from present to past every other chapter so keep that in mind :)

also sorry i couldn't wait... all of your positive comments got me too excited... idk how many chapters ill post in a day :)

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