Five: New Date + Break up

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I had been in hospital for a week now. I'm starting to feel super lonely. Sunoh stopped visiting me in the hospital. The only two people that visit me are Hye-Young and Il-Sik. Il-Sik will visit but he won't say anything, I think. No, I know he's still super mad at me. Whilst, Hye-Young is disappointed in me, he'll stay for an hour and if he's in a good mood he'll say more than, "I'm disappointed in you, Y/N."

"Miss, you can change into your clothes and head home. Mrs (Ms) L/N is waiting for you in the waiting room." A nurse said. She gave me my crutches and I put my hands in the crutches and pulled myself up. "Do you have a dress I can borrow, as it would be much easier to put on than trousers." I explained. "Indeed, I'll be back with a dress now, Miss L/N." The nurse said, bowing her head.

A few minutes later, the nurse came back with a beautiful pale blue dress and my other belongings. I took my wallet/purse and I took out a 50'000₩ note and I handed it to the nurse. "This is to repay your kindness. I am forever grateful." I spoke formerly. "Wait, your?.." The nurse said. "You're-" The nurse raised her voice but I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth. "I'll pay you more and I'll get you front row tickets to everyone of our theatres, shows, movies everything just please don't yell." I said. The nurse nodded and I took my hand from her mouth.

I took out my wallet and placed three more 50'000₩ notes put my pocket and handed them to her. I guess that's a perk of being rich.

I walked out the hospital, ignoring my mother, who never visited me once. Before I could pass her she grabbed my arm. "What do you want?" I asked. "I got you a music gig. And, I got you an audition for a romance movie." My mother sighed. "And.." My mother added. "And?" I asked. "I promise to stop drinking and abusing you. Also, I'm sorry." My mother said. I smiled, "Alright." I said. "Alright, get your @ss to school now." My mother chuckled and pushed me along.

At school, I spotted Sunoh and Jojo so I walked over to them, well hopped over to them in my crutches. "Hey Jojo! Hey Sunoh." I smiled. Sunoh and Jojo turned to eachother and continued to talk ignoring me. They walked along ahead, leaving me stood there confused. "Huh?" I asked. I shrugged and checked the time, as soon as the bell rang.

It was midday so I came running out of the class, but before I could speed out the school gate, I saw Sunoh and Jojo, kissing. My heart was about to burst into a million tiny little pieces. I ran off and I bumped into Hye-Young. "Oh, hi Y/N." Hye-Young smiled at you. I backed away and bowed my head. "Hey Hye-Young!" I smiled. "Are you okay now Y/N? I'm sorry I didn't say anything mich when I visited I couldn't stand seeing you there.." Hye-Young explained. "It's okay, but, I wanted to ask you something, if that was okay?" I asked. "Go ahead." Hye-Young said. "Well.. Uh.. Would you uhm... like to, I don't know..  uh.. Be my boyfriend?" I asked, realizing it was time to let me heart fall in love again. Hye-Young smiled, "Of course Y/N. But." Hye-Young said. "Only if you'll consider being my girlfriend." Hye-Young joked. I smiled and nodded. But, for some reason this didn't make me feel happy.

I held hands with Hye-Young and rested my head on his shoulder as we skipped around the school grounds.

We bumped into Sunoh, accidentally. "Oh hey Sunoh!" Hye-Young said. I smiled, "Hello Sunoh." I spoke, calmly. Sunoh then looked down at our hands which intertwined together. He pointed at our hands. "What are you two doing?" Sunoh asked. "Oh, right Sunoh. This is my girlfriend." Hye-Young introduced me as his girlfriend. I smiled.

"Girlfriend!?.." Sunoh shouted. "Yes, I'm Hye-Young's girlfriend." I smiled. Sunoh then turned around and walked off.

The next day, Jojo, Sunoh, Hye-Young and I decided to go on a double date, well Jojo, Hye-Young and I decided to go on a double date. I put on the nicest dress I had, which was a baby blue dress, sprinkled with small, white flowers. I put on a black ribbon choker with a white diamond in the middle around my throat. I styled my hair in my favourite style and slid into my pale blue high heels. I threw on a little makeup and rushed out the house and got on my bicycle.

I rode my bicycle where we agreed to meet. A popular cafe. I looked around to see Jojo, but nobody else was there.

But, then someone grabbed my shoulders and I flinched so hard. "You scared me Hye-Young!" I shouted and hugged Hye-Young. "I'm sorry Y/N." Hye-Young said with a small chuckle, his arms wrapped around me. "C'mon Hye-Young." Sunoh said, grabbing Hye-Young's arm and dragging him to the table.

I walked over to my chair and went to sit down. I was about to sit down when Sunoh kicked my chair and I fell to the floor. "Sunoh, what the hell!?" Hye-Young shouted. "We didn't need the chair." Sunoh sighed. "SUNOH MY GIRLFRIEND IS LIT-" Hye-Young shouted, but I cut him off. "It's okay Hye-Young." I said, getting up and brushing off my knees and hands. I picked up the chair and sat down on it this time.

At the end of the double date, Sunoh called for the bill. "I'd like a separate bill for the lady in the blue dress. As, I do not know her." Sunoh pointed at me. The waiter bowed his head, "I'd like the entire bill please." I said with a smile. "Just a minute then Miss."  The waiter said, walking off to get the bill. "Why are you treating me like sh!t, Sunoh?" I asked, politely. No answer. He's been ignoring me for a while now.

The waiter came back with the bill which was 100'000₩. I gave the waiter. Two 50'000₩ notes and grabbed my stuff. "Thank you for the date, it was really fun, always a pleasure. But, I think it's time for me to leave." I sighed, running out the cafe.

Hye-Young's POV

"What the fuck Sunoh!? Why the heck are you treating her like that!? I love her and I won't except the way you've treated her!" I shouted. Sunoh just sipped his glass of soda which he hadn't finished when Y/N paid the bill. "I don't like her." Sunoh said. "I don't care if you like her or not, I do!" I shouted. "I think it's time I  leave too." I said, picking up my stuff and walking out the cafe.

Jojo's POV

I activated the shield on my LoveAlarm the other day. So, it shows that I don't love anyone. I'm going to break up with Sunoh. "Hey Sunoh.." I said, slowly. "Yeah Jojo?" Sunoh asked in his normal manner. "I-.." I stuttered. "I know.. I know you're in love with Y/N!" I shouted. His face went bright red. "W- Wha?.." He flushed, stuttering. I knew he was in love with her.

"I- I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU SUNOH!.." I shouted my heart breaking. "W- What!?" He asked. "Open your LoveAlarm, please? Please.." He pleaded. I nodded, slowly. I got out my phone whilst he got his phone out. I went on my LoveAlarm. It read, '0 people love you in your 10m radius.' I looked over at Sunoh's and it said, the same thing. My heart shattered when I read mine. Because I still loved him.

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