One of many ways to be exposed

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Shinso is hanging out with Denki who's talking to Jirou, Kirishima, Sero, Bakugo, Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka, Tsu, Todoroki and Mei.

*Mina comes running up to them*

Mina: Guys!!!!! You won't believe what just happened!!

Tsu: What happened kero?

Mina: I walked in on Mr. Aizawa kissing Present Mic!!!

*all shocked except Denki, Shinso and Iida*

Tsu: I knew Present Mic was bi but I didn't think Mr. Aizawa was gay..

Jirou, Uraraka: *Fangirling*

Kirishima: That's so manly.

Bakugo: What does this have to do with anything racoon eyes?

Iida: I don't understand why you're making a big deal about this?

Mei: Babe your teacher is dating someone! The sleep deprived hobo looking man is dating someone! And its a teacher!!

Iida: Technically-

Shinso: Don't he will kill you. *sleepily looks up from leaning on Denki*

Iida: ....That's probably true.

Denki: Oh come on they already know.

Shinso: ....I guess

Iida: .... Do we want to risk it?

Mina: Just tell us!!!

Iida: Very well. I was going to say that technically they're not dating.

Tsu: What do you mean kero?

Iida: They've been married for 6 years.

All: What?!?!?!?!

Shinso: You guys are so loud...

Kirishima: Did you know?!

Shinso: Of course I knew they adopted me.

Iida: They're very nice when not at school.

Midoriya: How do you know Iida-kun

Iida: My brother is one of their best friends so I grew up with a lot of visits to their house and my he took me to their wedding.

Shinso: Yup, me and Tenya practically grew up together.

Bakugo: Okay that explains you two but how does Dunce Face know.

Denki: I'm his boyfriend. *points to Shinso who has gone back to leaning on him*

Todoroki: ....So Shinso is like Aizawa's secret love child?!

Midoriya: Todoroki no.

Sero: He just said he was adopted though...

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