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Me and Octavia became best friends quickly mostly because we never got the chance to make any other friends, we also really get each other and knew how lonely it could get. After a month of knowing her I told her that Raven Reyes was actually my sister and that I had to lie to protect her. I also quickly became friends with almost everyone in the skybox probably since I always wanted friends and it was a perfect opportunity, my other bestfriend besides Octavia and Finn was John Murphy.

Murphy and I became friends when I hit some guy in the face for Murphy. He was calling him crazy and messed up, it bothered me since I was also known as one of the girls under the floor. Ever since I defended him we have been best friends since.

I was glad that I had some family in the skybox to help keep me sane, I don't know if I would've been able to handle all of this if Finn wasn't here with me. I was just counting the days until I was most likely going to be floated.

A year later

Octavia and I were laying on her bed not talking just enjoying the moment before tomorrow when I would turn eighteen.

"You won't forget me right O?" I ask Turing on my side to face her.

"I could never Vina your my sister now and please I don't want to talk about you getting floated." Octavia says still facing up at the ceiling grabbing my hand to give it a little squeeze.

I was falling asleep when the door to are cell opened up relieving two guards. I look at Octavia who was already looking at me scared as one of the guards were approaching me.

"I don't turn eighteen until tomorrow, I have today left!" I argue as I try to run out of the cell but was met with a fist to my face knocking me out.

I woke up suddenly confused on where I was. I hear people screaming and yelling while whatever we were in which looked like something Raven explained to me once was a drop ship. I closed my eyes from the rapid shaking of the drop ship and from being knocked out. I felt someone grab my hand and I look over to see Octavia who decided to shut her eyes tight. I closed my eyes again thanking to myself about how I wished I could've said goodbye to Raven and tell my sister how much I loved her.

The drop ship suddenly stopped shaking and all of the 'criminals' were looking around confused then I notice Jasper and Monty I was about to speak to them when they spoke first.

"Listen no machine hum."  Monty says as Jasper has a huge smile on his face. Are we actually on the ground?

"That's a first." Jasper says and I smile knowing that we actually survived that even though I was unconscious basically the whole time. I would love to be sent to earth again and experience the rush. I look at Octavia who has the same smile as me as we unbuckle ourselves while everyone else ran down the ladder we embraced each other in a hug.

"We actually survived that O!" I say in disbelief but my smile still remaining. She just laughs and we head down the ladder when she stops halfway down and looks at the guard by the door.

"Bellamy?" She questions hurrying down the ladder to him. So that's Bellamy he's kinda hot, I think to myself. I follow Octavia over to him and watch the siblings hug, I wouldn't lie if I said I wasn't jealous that I couldn't hug my sister.

"Look how big you are." Bellamy says to his sister.

"What the hell are you wearing a guards uniform?" Octavia questions him pushing his shoulder back.

"I borrowed it to get on the drop ship, someone got to keep an eye on you." Bellamy tells her as she goes to hug him again.

"Where's your wristband?" The blonde girl besides me questions, I glare at her for ruining this moment for Octavia and her brother which didn't go unnoticed by Bellamy. Octavia turns around to stare the blonde down.

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