Chapter 1

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~Author's note~

Please pay attention to the warnings in the description of the story! Thank you so much for reading this! It means a lot to me! This Is my really first story! I'm sorry for grammar mistakes, if you find any please tell me! If you have any advices I'll be happy to hear them!
I'll also appreciate constructive criticism, but please don't hate in the comments, thanks for your attentions!

~start of the story~

It was a day like another to the port, you could hear the songs of drunk sailors coming from an inn, who were celebrating before having to sail for northern America. Between all those drunken people there was a blonde, good-looking pirate, with spiky hair, his name was Bakugou Katsuki, he was 23 years old and he was looking for a new crew, to sail with and search for booties, plunder merchant ships and drink beer in the company of beautiful women.
He was wearing a black tight shirt, which letted transpire the shape of his well-defined muscles, a gray belt, holding light brown trousers to his waist, and black canvas shoes (He's basically wearing the same things as in the picture up there 😉).
He was there, to meet up with an old friend, who would have helped him to find the right people for his crew: they had to be brave and crazy enough, to follow a leader like Bakugou in his adventures

*Bakugou's pov*

I don't even know why I accepted the fucking help of that damn shitty hair, I guess I was desperate enough to make such a decision... UGHH, It's too late now anyway to tell that stupid guy, that I don't need his fucking help, and I can find those people on my own... About that... I'll need at least 10 of them, without counting me in, to be able to sail with my actual ship...

*Third person's pov*

Bakugou's thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice coming from the entrance of the inn:
"Yo! Bakubro!! How you doing dude?!"
Bakugou raised his sight to see a red, spiky haired guy, walking in his direction:

"Don't call me that shitty hair! Or I'll break all the bones in your body!"

"Oof! Party pooper!!"

"Shut It, idiot!"

The red haired guy's name was Eijirou Kirishima, also 23 years old, he was wearing a very low-cut white shirt and black baggy pants, with a pair of high boots, also black, and a fairy red bandana in the hair with a white square pattern. Kirishima was now sitting in front of Bakugou, they didn't meet up with in a pretty long time, so Bakugou took his time to look better to him closely: he had two red eyes full with joy and excitement, his face was still more or less the same, but more defined, his shoulders were broad and muscular, as were the rest of his arms. Even though he was wearing his shirt, his abs could be seem through it.

*Bakugou's pov*

He seems to be stronger than he was when we last saw each other... That's good.
He's staring at me with puppy eyes, what the heck? "Oi, snap out of It! Stop staring shitty hair! Anyways, do you have any ideas for the people to get for my crew?" He stopped looking at me with puppy eyes and talked to finally tell me something useful: "Actually I have an idea to get the attention of the right people" I watched him as a grin appeared on his face, not gonna lie, I was kind of scared about what he would have tried to do...
"Yeah... I don't give a fuck about HOW you're gonna find them, just do it! We'll meet at the port tomorrow morning at eleven, if you're late I'll kill you, and you'll better have someone new for the crew with you!"
"Yessir!! See you tomorrow bakubro!!"
"I told you to not fucking call me that brain for hair!!" Ugh, he can't even hear me anymore, he's already hopping like an idiot towards the exit. UGHH!! Why did I ask him to help me?!

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