More innocent Quotes as I wait for Requests

489 23 7

Socks: You know what I heard?

Meme: Ugh what...

Socks: An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Meme: *fades out of existence*

(Another vision of the last one)
Socks: You know what I heard?

Meme: Ugh what...

Socks: An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Meme: Cool

Socks: So you aren't a real doctor!


Meme: Would you rather be a monkey or have a good childhood?

Blaza: This is targeted!


TBH: I'm hungry... *looks at Muffin*

Muffin: don't look at me!


Socks: Use your manners for once Meme!

Meme: I'm trying!

A few days later

Meme: Thank you Socks *bows*


Nadwe: I taught him well!

Socks: Undo!!!!


Woolfster: ugh, bark bark

Dino: Good Doggy

Woolfster: *Chomp*

Dino: Help! I need a doctor!


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