Café AU Meme (+small story)

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Socksfor1, Meme's best friend had decided to open up a café, you had to be 14-69 years old to work there, the reason why Socks allowed 14-year-olds to work there was because of Nadwe and Muffin(since Nadwe is Muffin's best friend and Socks is a fa...

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Socksfor1, Meme's best friend had decided to open up a café, you had to be 14-69 years old to work there, the reason why Socks allowed 14-year-olds to work there was because of Nadwe and Muffin(since Nadwe is Muffin's best friend and Socks is a father figure to Muffin he wants them to spend time with one another since they're bestest of friends :)), the reason why Socks allowed people 69 or less is because... it's the funny number.

Laff, the chef decided to get the job because he loves cooking and he'd not be able to see all his fellow comrades if he didn't work there he'd also miss Blaza and Joocie more than the others because they aren't as Important well... TBH might be on his most important list but... no one really knows.

TBH, the second-best chef was paired up with Laff which he was quite content about I mean who wouldn't be? TBH thought that everyone would be glad working with Laff, he's strong, handsome, smart, encouraging, caring... maybe I should stop talking about it and just continue along.

Joocie, the janitor and the announcement guy is jealous that he didn't get to work with Laff, it pissed him off but he lived with it and kept to himself. Joocie doesn't often say announcements unless a machine broke, a city lockdown amd other things like that.

Blaza, the cashier, mechanic and slightly a waiter hates Joocie and TBH they're trying to steal HIS mans like come on! Like fuck off >:'(! Blaza often try's taking the coins out of the cash register but always fails thank goodness too...

TBVG, Oof, Oompa, Dino and Woolf, the security guards! Not much to say about them except they always can tell when Blaza is about to steal.

And lastly Meme the waiter, Meme doesn't give a shit on what he wears as long as he has fun and dresses weather appropriate clothes he also can sense a bad person even before they speak he knows if they're robbers, inappropriate people that will touch the minors(how fucking dare they 😤) and so Meme calls security on them and he's never been wrong.

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