I feel like my girlfriend doesn't love me anymore, we stayed the night at a friends but then afterwards she just.. ignored me she hates texting me "please if I don't answer the first time don't call more than one and I can't answer at the moment because I am busy sincerely, *her real name*" she normally doesn't say it like that, she would just say "sorry I can't talk right now" and I'd leave her alone until she can talk. She's proud of my work, my art and my stories but it doesn't feel as good anymore I feel like she's pulling my strings and boy does it hurt, and now I feel more insecure I feel more fat, Annoying, dumb and bothersome, that makes me think I'm a attention seeker I normally feel like an attention seeker when I vent because I feel like it's fake even if it's my true emotions, I also hate my body more, it's starting to bother me. When I was crying I started to make fun of my body. A voice keeps telling me bad things like "She hates you, nobody likes you, you're so annoying, go talk to someone don't be rude, crybaby, you're so fucking fat, if you tell anyone how you feel no one would care...etc..." my nose, weight and size is the thing I hate most about my body. My nose has been bleeding a lot more like almost anytime I touch it it bleeds, my weight, I feel like I'm overweight for my age and someone once called me fat but I did nothing about it but cry and that's all, same for the sleepover I just cried because I felt excluded and for my size, I want to be a bit shorter than what actually am. I could go on but I won't.
Have a good day or night wherever you live :)