Ventus and Vanitas 2

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Just this again because it's one of my favorite things to write about. I dunno if I need a TW for Vanitas's cursing, but there is one in case I do. From Vanitas's perspective because he's an interesting character. I'll do one with Ven's too, don't worry :P

Vanitas rolled his eyes. "Why can't I have my phone back?"

"Because you tried to steal it back yesterday, so you'll get it tomorrow." Terra explained.

Vanitas groaned. "You knew about that? Fine, how about you can fuck off, and I'll do what I want?"

"Nope, sorry." Terra left to his room without another word.

"You know, if you keep cursing, they might not give it back."

"I know, Ven. It's just something I do. Why do you think I like talking to Axel sometimes? He curses too. It's not like I can help it. Just a habit of mine."

Ventus hugged him from behind. "Well that's alright then."

Vanitas blushed a little bit. "Hey, what if we all go outside?"

Ventus shouted for Terra and Aqua. As the two came over, he asked, "can we all go outside?"

"Sure? That's an odd request, Ven." Aqua smiled warmly.

"It was Vani's idea."

Vanitas looked down at the floor. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just bored."

"You'll get your phone back tomorrow, you know." Terra said.

"But that's forever away!"

"Its the middle of the afternoon." Ventus argued.


They all walked out of the castle and sat on the steps outside.

"You know, it's been a while since we last sat here, in our home, while it was peaceful." Aqua reflected.

Vanitas squeezed Ventus's hand a little. He had never been in a time where things were peaceful before. It felt.. nice.

"It's always dark before dawn." Ventus said in a slightly hushed voice.

"What's that about?" Terra met eyes with the boy, and it seemed a secret message passed between the two. "Oh.."

"And what's that about?" Vanitas looked between them, trying to figure it out.

"We've just had our share of drama, is all." Aqua smiled sadly.

"Oh." Vanitas went quiet for a while. "I'm sorry about that. I didn't know right from wrong and-"

"Vanitas, you really need to stop beating yourself up about that," Terra's voice sounded annoyingly sympathetic.

"He's right, you know. We know that you didn't know what you were doing." Aqua smiled.

"Thanks m- Aqua." Vanitas groaned lightly. Why was I about to say 'mom'?

Ventus's head fell on Vanitas's shoulder. The other boy let him. It felt nice to have a brother. Vanitas sighed dreamily.

"You know what would be funny?" Ventus raised his head.

"Hm?" Vanitas's interest was peaked.

"If Terra and Aqua kissed," Ventus said it in a sing-song way.

"What?" Terra blurted.

"It would definitely be funny." Vanitas shrugged.

Terra's face was a little pink as he said, "I don't think its funny."

"I think it is." Ventus argued.

"Can we talk about something else?" Aqua asked.

"We can talk about.. I don't even know." Vanitas looked away as Ventus started touching his hair, smiling a little.

"I kinda wanna go back inside, it's getting a little cold." Aqua said.

"I agree. C'mon, let's go back inside." Terra stood up, opening the door.

"Actually, can me and Ven stay outside for a little bit longer?" Vanitas asked.

"I suppose. Don't be long." The door shut behind them.

"I love the quiet." Ventus said dreamily.

"It bugs me a little, but to each their own." Vanitas let his hand fall down onto his lap, hating himself for wearing actual clothes when it was cold.

"Are you cold?" Ventus suspected.

"No- I'm not."

"You don't sound very sure."

Vanitas sighed loudly, feeling his temper rise. "I- I'm not." He mumbled.

All his temper melted away when Ventus hugged him. He genuinely didn't know how to react.

"You need me." Ventus whispered. "Just as much as I need you. We balance each other."

Vanitas nodded, and let his walls fall down. "I'm sorry." He whispered back.

"I love you, Vani."

"Love you too, Ven."

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