Silva's Glamor 🔞

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A/n: I wasn't originally going to do a smut for these two, but since y'all keep talking about them why not? Have I done a decent job at writing their ship? I didn't even know it existed until it came up in the comments lol. Let me know what you think~

This chapter is optional btw.

"Mmm, we still have fifteen minutes until dinner," Dorothy cooed, reaching over to caress Nozel's smooth face. His silver eyes looked down at hers over the brim of his sharp nose.

Suddenly he felt her soft, warm skin pressed against his hands at her waist. His breath hitched in his throat and exited his lips in a husky groan, his fingers curling into her.

"Oh?" He murmured and gave her side a tight squeeze, enjoying the feeling of her skin between his slender fingers.

His eyes wandered over her shoulders and down to her chest, where her small round breasts were cupped perfectly in a lacy pink bra. She always did this spontaneously when they were alone in her Glamor world, and it always made his heart race unexpectedly. In this place she could transform anything to her whims, including their clothing.

Letting his gaze drop further he saw a matching pair of pink panties that hugged her figure and showed off her luscious curves. His could feel his heart rapidly sending his blood to a very specific place. She also sported a pair of pink lace garters and thigh-high stockings, each with a small bow on the top.

His favorite.

His own clothing had also changed, but he wasn't in lingerie. She loved seeing him in a loosely fitting blue and white shirt, with a scalloped collar and a gold choker. This particular shirt showcased his fine collar bone and shoulders, which she said were his best features. To him it was just whatever made her happy. His outfit was completed with loose white trousers that flowed around his ankle.

 His outfit was completed with loose white trousers that flowed around his ankle

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"Think we can keep this to fifteen minutes?" Dorothy whispered. Her opal eyes danced with color as they peered at him though dark pink lashes. How he loved they way she glowed when she was aroused.

"Ten. We have to be early," he hastily whispered back, his breath tickling her ear.

He scooped her up in his arms and trapped her lips in a passionate kiss. She always tasted so good, like fresh strawberries. He could never get enough.

Air became unimportant to him as he moved his lips against hers. Her tongue brushed against his and he let her suck on his lip. His knees went weak and he bent down on her massive bed. She was overtaking him with her sudden passion, but it sparked a fire in him that would soon out blaze her own.

He set her down gently and kissed the tip of her nose, her eyelids, her cheekbones, the corner of her jaw, and nibbled tenderly on her earlobe. His hands wandered down her body, grazing over her ribs and tracing the strings of her underwater.

She sighed and he nudged her legs open with his knee, placing it teasingly against her sex. It was radiating with heat. All he wanted to was devour every inch of her. He was a very possessive man.

She arched her back as his hand hurriedly unzipped his pants, his white knuckles briefly brushing against her throbbing, wet mound. His lips were busy sucking on her nipple as she embraced his strong arms, her fingerpads rubbing circles into his toned muscles. The point of the silver crest he wore in his braid dragged lightly against her bare skin, sending cold chills down her spine.

He didn't waste too much time teasing her. He used one finger to shift her thin panties to the side and pushed himself inside of her heat. She groaned as she took him all the way in, bringing her legs up around his hips so he could delve even deeper. Her breath left her in small gasps and moans as he slid in and out of her, his pace becoming swift and powerful. His muscles rippled as he shook the bed, and her insides along with it.

Nozel wasn't the one for delicate sex, he was ruthless and unforgiving. With each thrust he reached deep inside of her, all the while clenching her now sensitive breasts and nipples in the palms of his large hands. She felt like he was tearing her apart from the inside, his touch demanding to be felt. There was no need for her to hold back her moans.

"I'm... so close," Dorothy breathed out, lost in the intensity of his silver eyes. They gleamed with desire as he parted his lips slightly and let out a deep moan.

He slammed into her, his powerful thighs slapping against her fluffy ones. She let out another long groan mixed with his name as she felt herself clenching uncontrollably around him, repeatedly crying out his name as her body reached its climax.

"Dorothy," he said in a husky voice as he bent down to kiss her.

Then she felt his own spasm inside of her as he came to his own climax. She clung to him, panting against his hard chest. He silently leaned his head against her shoulder as his heart gradually returned to its normal pace.

"I love you," she whispered into his ear.

"Mn, I love you too," he replied.

Then, she released the spell and they found themselves sitting on the couch in the lounge. His breathing was still slightly irregular when he awoke and he immediately stood up, making her slide off his lap. She was still asleep, but completely aware of the real world.

"Must you always bring us back so unexpectedly?" He whispered harshly, placing his hand on the small of her back.

She merely gigged in her sleep, letting him guide her to the dining hall.

Not a bad appetizer, he thought. Perhaps they'd make time for dessert later on in the evening...

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