I Choose You

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So warm... why haven't we done this sooner? I wonder, can I move the Hideout closer to the Blue Rose Knight's Headquarters? Plus she smells amazing. I've decided. I just won't let her leave.

He wrapped his body tighter around the little spoon that was Charlotte. Her hair flowed from her head over the pillow and around her shoulder. Their legs were entangled together and bundled tightly in the comforter.

If he was never able to move again, that would be fine. Yami was still half asleep as he held her, his hand loosely cupping her breast under her nightgown. He hadn't remembered the last time he had slept so peacefully.

Persistent sun rays illuminated the room, peeping through the cracks in between the curtains. He hid his face in her hair, denying the existence of another day. Last night he had been so proud of her. There was no one in the entire Kingdom who could imagine Charlotte letting loose like she had done last night with him. He knew it took a lot out of her to break her shell in front of him, and he hoped he had rewarded her handsomely.

If she wanted more, he was always willing to provide. At the thought, he felt himself becoming aroused again. It was impossible to keep his mind away from how attracted he was to her. Even so, he wanted to let her set the pace.

Almost as if she could sense his brain waves, Charlotte began to stir underneath him. She turned her head and looked at him through half-lidded eyes, creases from the pillow scattered along her face. This is what it's like to sleep with an angel...

"Morning," she mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her voice was still groggy from underuse, or maybe it was overuse from their exhilarating night...

"Shhh... go back to sleep," he whispered as he cuddled her. She sighed and he almost believed she was really going to let them sleep in, but then she twisted her body around so that she was facing him. Her eyes sparkled with life. He could tell she wasn't going back to the world of dreams anytime soon.

"Yami... thank you."


"For last night. For everything." She smiled as he stroked the back of her head. Her hair was so soft.

"Its my pleasure," he said as he brought her even closer, touching his lips to hers. Whispering sweet nothings against her skin, he continued his heartfelt ramblings, "I wouldn't want any other woman. Not now, not ever."

"You really mean that?"

"Every word."

"Well, for the record, I feel the same way about you."

He closed his eyes, feeling himself fade away into the mattress again. Charlotte traced small patterns into his skin with her fingers.



"I should be getting back to my place..."


She laughed, but he was being serious. Then a wall of cold air hit him as she tore the blankets away. That was the end of that. She can really be brutal when she wants to be.

He scratched his head as he blinked the sleep away from his own eyes. Charlotte was holding her formal gown up and looking at it tentatively.

"Hold up, why do you have to put more clothes on? I much prefer when you're taking them off..."

She gave him an exasperated look and rolled her eyes, not even sparing him a word in reply. Swinging his legs around, he walked up beside her and hugged onto her. Her skin was still warm and soothing.

"I don't have anything else to wear, but.... hey... what're you... ahhhh..."

He interrupted her needless worrying with light kisses down the back of her neck. His hands slipped under the nightgown, clinging to her warmth. She leaned back into him, enjoying the moment.

"See... it's much better when you let me take the lead."

"All you're doing is distracting me."

"Hmph, fine. I'll let you have your way. I'm sure Finral can take you back directly inside your Headquarters."

"Then my whole squad will see that I didn't change my clothes from last night."


"And they'll need to know all the details."

"Then just tell them Yami said he'd kill anyone who asked about all the details."

"That... would probably work."

"When will I see you again?"

"I've been thinking... it's the perfect time of year to go to the beach. Do you think Julius has any missions for us down there?"

"I'll ask him, but we can go regardless."

Charlotte had put on her dress, so Yami decided he better put on some clothes too. After they were both dressed he shouted for Finral and he promptly showed up at Yami's door nursing a hangover. The three headed  their separate ways, Charlotte back to her gaggle of blue rose knights, Yami to chat with Julius, and Finral climbed back in bed.

A/N: Three dates down!!! Are there any scenes that particularly stood out to you so far?

If you have any suggestions/ideas/meandering thoughts let me know and I promise I can make them into something wonderful! Thanks again for your input on this date back when date #one finished, it really enriched the story.

If you have any suggestions/ideas/meandering thoughts let me know and I promise I can make them into something wonderful! Thanks again for your input on this date back when date #one finished, it really enriched the story

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