Here With You- 2

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In one swift movement he expertly swooped me up, holding me against his chest as he made his way down to our private room. The heavy scent of sea, smoke, and sweat assaulted my nose. It drove my senses crazy.

Yami was everything forbidden; he was darkness and lust and danger, all coordinating to keep me safe and protected. He guaranteed me pleasure and happiness every day we were together and I knew no one else could do that for me. It didn't matter if it was a curse, the devil, or even the end of the world, he would stop at nothing to protect me. That's why I could be this way with him.

"I'm gonna strip you down and kiss you from your head to your toes. I'm gonna taste you until you come for me, doll. Then I'm going to soak my dick in your juices and pound you into tomorrow," he murmured to me as he set me down on the bed.

I gazed at his perfection as he made sure the door was locked and then slowly stalked towards me. His silence was even more commanding than his words had been. His gaze alone could take my breath away.

His hand came down beside my head and he stared into my eyes. I knew my face was bright red, I couldn't help but blush as he looked over every inch of my wanting face. My eyes landed on his lips, they were so full and looked so tender.

With antagonizing slowness, he brought his head down and breathed onto my parted lips. I squirmed under him. Even though I could easily close the gap between us, I knew better. I also knew he was testing me. If I behaved well now, he'd reward me later. Instead of succumbing to my impatience, I closed my eyes, and that's when he finally kissed me.

It was a kiss that could devour my soul. He didn't give me room to breathe as he dominated my mouth. My lips, my tongue, anything he wanted became his. Everything I am was his. The weight of his body steadily closed in on me and I sighed as he ran his hands from my jaw down to my neck and crossed his thumbs over each other, gently pressing into the tender skin from both sides. I was drowning in Yami and it felt like heaven. 

Once he had enough, he broke away from the kiss and drew his attention to my feet. His hands wrapped around my ankles and all I could think about was how far away that was from where I needed him to be.

Luckily, he didn't take his time and soon his hands were pushing up my dress. Past my knees, over my hips, he lifted up my back with one hand and pulled the cloth over me with the other. All that was left on me was my undergarments- a silky slip, bra, and thin panties. Of course, all of which Yami had bought for me. I could feel his eyes all over my exposed skin, but I wanted nothing more than to feel his hands again.

The enclosed space started getting to me, I could distantly feel the rocking of the ship but refused to let it ruin the moment. My stomach hardly had anything in it, yet it still insisted on doing small flips. I focused my breaths to steady my mind and anchor myself in the present.

"Nghhhmmm," I moaned as he pressed kisses into my chest and stomach. His hands squeezed my thighs mercilessly. I knew there would be bruises tomorrow as I trembled with pleasure underneath him. My hands moved subconsciously to his head, entangling with his messy hair and soaking up the heat radiating from his body.

Much to my torture, his warm kisses slowed down the closer he got to my waist, and then veered off to the side of my hip and down my leg. His tongue traced circles into my inner thigh and I shifted, needing him to give me the satisfaction that he was waving in front of me.  I swear I was getting a fever from all this suspense.

"So impatient, doll," he hummed directly over my wet opening. I whimpered pathetically in response. I'd do anything he asked if only he touched me where I needed him to.

"I need you, Sensei, I need you so badly," I whined, at the end of my rope and trying everything I could to beckon him onward. My body was breaking apart. My legs shook from desire and my stomach was churning from the motions of the boat. My hands reached for him, searching for any contact they could get.

A wave of relief flooded through me as his tongue swept over my sex. He was sloppy and perfect, he knew every spot I loved to be touched and just how to touch it. Not only did he use his mouth, but his hands were also sliding in and out of me. I lost track of every where I was stimulated, completely bending myself to his will.

He was hungry for me and I could feel it, within minutes my heart was racing. I was a moaning mess. My hands pulled at his hair as he relentlessly satisfied me.

"Nghhmm," I strained against his passionate kisses directly targeting my clit. Everything built up to a single  point and it was about to burst apart inside of me.

"Come for me doll. Let me taste your sweet release."

He stimulated all my key points at once, rubbing hard and fast. It was all I could do to keep from screaming. My body twitched underneath him and he didn't even let up, making me ride out my orgasm while pressed into his face. I felt like by body broke into a million pieces.

When I regained consciousness, he had stripped himself and was kneeling over my head. Precum was dripping from his rock hard cock in front of me. Without hesitation I opened my mouth and he lowered himself inside of me, just enough to let me swirl my tongue around the tip.

"Hrmph, so fucking good," he grunted as I returned pleasure to him. I grabbed his hips and pushed him further into my mouth and down my throat. Unfortunately, due to my recent bout of seasickness, my gag reflex triggered and I quickly retreated.

"Hey, take it easy, you alright?" He was instantly cradling my face in his palm and looking me in the eyes to make sure I was okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just ehhhh," I grabbed my stomach as it made a clear point to tell me it was upset. I guess I was pushing it too far, but it just wasn't fair.

"You need some fresh air? We can get back to this later," his dick was already going limp after seeing my discomfort. I reached out to grab it back. He wasn't getting off that easy.

"Don't push yourself!" Yami was angry with me now. He backed away out of my reach and I pouted. I sat up supporting my back with some pillows.

"I'm fine as long as I don't go all the way. I promise," I tried to reassure him so we could continue what we were doing.

He eyed me carefully to see how honest I was being, and after a pause he stepped forward again. Straddling me on the bed once more, his hand smoothed over my hair and he whispered, "Then use that sweet tongue of yours just like you were before. Show your Sensei just how much you need him."

I happily took him into my mouth and within seconds he was stiff and throbbing. Even if I could only partially fit him into my mouth, I could still give him what he needed. I used my other hands to caress his balls and the base of his shaft. He braced himself against the headboard as I swirled my tongue around, up, down, and side to side. Saliva was dripping from him down onto my chest, but I didn't mind.

"Mmmgn, yes, just like thaaaaht," he moaned as he tried to stop himself from thrusting in any further. I could tell he was close, and he was barely able to hold back from going all the way in for my sake. Tightening my grip around him, I picked up the pace and pushed my tongue into his slit.

"Dammit," he breathed out as he jumped inside my mouth. His hand clenched around a bundle of my hair and pulled slightly as he came to his climax. Thick, warm liquid shot into my throat and I quickly swallowed before I started to gag again. He leaned over me panting, pulling me into a half-hug. I was so happy.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, repositioning so that I was sitting in his lap.

"Honestly, I feel a little sick. I think I need to stay still for a little while."

"You were great, doll, you deserve a rest. Besides, if I went inside you, the rocking motion would probably have you running to the edge of the boat in no time, but I'm glad we got a little fun in tonight. I promise when we get on land I'll fuck you nice and good."

I snuggled into his chest, the smell of sex strong on both of us, "That sounds really nice. For now..." I yawned, my body suddenly feeling heavier than normal, "for now I think I'll just rest right here."

I closed my eyes, contentment carrying me away on a soft cloud. Distantly I could feel his hand petting the top of my head, the rhythm of the rise and fall of his chest lulling me into the darkness.

"Goodnite, Charlotte," he murmured, pulling the blanket over me.

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