Storm Rising

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"Are we there yet?" Zora whined. His mask combined with the black briar capelet and black pants had to be absurdly sweltering in this heat, but Yami didn't give two shits. He wasn't faring much better.

"Stuff it you punk, before I show you what a real pain in the ass feels like," Mereoleona quipped. She trudged on at the head of the group and set a grueling pace. Yami kept pace at her heels, not falling behind for a single step, although with every one a mountain of black sand pulled at his boots.

Behind them trailed Yuno, Langris, Leopold, Solid, Asta, Zora, and Mimosa. The patchwork team of nine was utterly determined; hell bent on getting back their beloved leaders, and trekked on through the worst of what the Obsidian Desert threw at them. Right now the heat and stale air singed their lungs, but what awaited them at their destination would be far worse.

The desert, a never ending sea of hellish conditions that felt like it stretched on for the entire map, kept their target hidden perfectly. The horizon flat and barren, a mirage at every turn, and no traces of life meant they could wander here for the rest of their lives.

And if it weren't for Mereoleona, they would.

"Even a lion needs water and meat to survive, how did you last out here for six months?" Leopold questioned, huffing but maintaining a decent pace.

"Ha," Mereoleona gleamed with pride," you have much to learn, cub. All a lion needs is its own strength and wit, and we can conquer anything, even a heartless desert."

Leopold's face, sweaty and red, scrunched in thought. "Then I will come back here to train, and become as strong as you and my brother. No matter what it takes."

"Ohh, take me, too!" Asta cheered from the back. "But can we bring Noelle next time? Her water magic would be a godsend right about now."

Solid scoffed. "You are forgetting I wield water magic more powerful than hers."

"Fresh water evaporates as soon as it's exposed to the air," Mereoleona said. "The desert's mana is cruel, it won't allow such luxuries."

"So we're all masochists now?" Zora muttered, barely keeping his feet underneath him.

"Count me in, my wind works well here," Yuno added in a subdued murmur. The response was lost on everyone else as he stared forward, giving no indication he had spoken other than the slightest movement of his lips.

Although his wind magic would be paramount in their team strategy, the whole group had a general consensus that his massive mana reserves were utterly unfair. The rest had been saving their strength and held back from any attempts to make the journey easier with magic. Yuno, however, stepped above the sand on the wind, Sylph attentive to ensure her master fell under no adverse effects from the region.

"You'd be better off training with just the two of us." Sylph crossed her legs, pulling on Yuno's ear as she perched on his shoulder. "I can take care of you. Promise. There's not a single need—"

"Shhh, Bell," Yuno placed his finger over her mouth. "Training is more effective in groups."

"There it is," Solid announced, drawing everyone's attention.

Before them towered a massive wall of clouds, as black as the sand beneath their feet. It towered up, blocking out the sun and swirling in violent disarray. The storm had been concealed until they stepped within 100 meters, and now there was nowhere left to go.

The rancid desert atmosphere roared to life, and at last a breeze whisked strands of their hair off their faces. A distance crack of thunder rolled through the sky as they all came to halt.

"So this is the oasis?" Yami asked, setting his jaw.

The only place a human could survive for more than a few days in this wretched place.

The only place where Charlotte could still be alive.

The only place he needed to be.

"Yes," Mereoleona confirmed. "If they made a camp in Obsidian Desert, inside the eye of the storm would be their only option. This is our best lead, and I'm certain at least one mage was here when they launched their first attack. Our comrades were taken here, whether they remained, I'm uncertain."

A few reverent whispers of awe and terror echoed within the group.

It was time to brave the storm.

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