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Asami sighed as she finished signing her last paper then finally set her pen down. She rolled out her wrist as she leaned back in her chair and stared at the desk in front of her.

She was at Future Industries. Using work as a way to distract herself. She mostly stayed in the workshop or in her office because those were the only places she could avoid her dad.

She reached for her phone and turned it on, checking for any notifications. The only messages she had gotten were from Korra asking her what time she would be home.

She frowned slightly and set the phone screen down on the desk. She took in a deep breath and tilted her head back against the headrest, trying to relax her neck and shoulder muscles. Her eyes closed and she stayed there a few more seconds before she heard a knock on the door.

"May I come in?" Someone asked. Asamis eyes opened as she recognized the accent. Her head turned towards the door and a slight frown came to her face when she saw Andreas.

"I already gave Hiroshi my paperwork." Asami said.

"I didn't come for that." Andreas said as he closed the door behind him. Asami shifted uncomfortably in her seat and she instinctively sat straighter.

"What do you want?" She asked. Andreas walked closer to her desk silently.

"I'm leaving soon." He said. Asami raised an eyebrow. Had it already been 3 months? It's probably been more now that she thinks about it. "I just wanted to talk about that small incident we had. I don't want to go back to Germany feeling guilty." He told her.

"It wasn't a 'small incident', Andreas. You punched Korra in the face."

"I was drunk and-"

"That doesn't excuse anything. You talked about me like I was some object and then you hurt Korra."

"I'm sorry about that. I don't usually treat women that way."

"Well you did. And nothings gonna excuse it. So you can leave my office because I'm not in the mood to talk to you." Asami said while waving him off.

"I'm just trying to say sorry. I never meant to treat you that way and I didn't mean to hit Korra. I was drunk. Plus I didn't know hitting her would send her into whatever psychotic episode she ended up having."

"Don't talk about her that way." Asami said with a glare. "It wasn't a psychotic episode."

"Right." He said with a chuckle. Asami clenched her jaw and took in a deep breath to calm herself down. "What else would you explain it as?"

"I wouldn't say this any other time but since you don't seem to understand... she has ptsd. From past issues. You triggered her. She wasn't losing her mind, she was just scared because you reminded her of someone that used to hurt her."

"You mean that girl that abused her right?" Andreas asked. Both Asami's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "I've heard about the trial, Asami. I'm not stupid. I know the girl beat her."

"Well then you'd know she wasn't having a psychotic episode." Asami said. "Now get out of my office. I don't want to hear whatever apology or goodbye you were planning to say."

Andreas scoffed and shook his head.

"She doesn't deserve you. You protect her way too much and she doesn't even know how to protect you back."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Asami asked angrily. "She was protecting me then when you decided to act like some douchebag."

"Then how come she didn't protect you when you got stabbed?" Andreas asked. Asami clenched her jaw and stood up.

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