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Chase sat in his room in pensive silence, really pondering over the events of yesterday. What happened yesterday was far more confusing than the temporary ego boost he had gotten from it. Just what was Samuel's deal? How did he feel about him? How can someone who had it out for him on a consistent basis to the point of blackmail ever feel things like that for him? In grade school, little girls were always taught that if a boy picks on them, it means that they like them. But in Samuel's case, what he's doing to him is something more serious than harmless bullying. It was something that can very much destroy his livelihood.

He was taken aback the first time, but he was going to nip that shit in the bud the next time something like that happens again. If he considered being with him like that, there was going to be hell of a lot of changes he was going to have to make. Though if push comes to shove, he can use this to his advantage...

In that same vein though, he was going to need to get a "girlfriend" soon. He can't lie to his uncle about it forever; the day will come when he will ask. But he goes to an all-boys school and Domi was out of the question. Chase didn't have any close female friends unfortunately, so he'd probably have to be on his fuck-boy shit.

Damn... well it was time to go to work. He gets dressed and heads downstairs, messenger bag in tow.

His uncle, who had been sitting on the couch, turns his head to watch his nephew leave.

"Eh eh!? Again huh?" he comments, making Chase freeze in his spot.

Was it now? Was this the time that he was going to ask? Shit he didn't even get time to ask out some girl!

"Ah, yeah," he responds weakly.

"So when am I gonna see this girl of yours?" his uncle gets up and paces towards him with a huge grin.

"I uh-"

"I'm kidding, nephew," he pats him on the back. "Have fun, just let me know when you get back okay?"

Chase smiles and nods in affirmation. "I'll do that, thank you."

He spins around on his heel and leaves, heading towards the club.


The club was booming, though it was noticeably far less packed than usual. Not like Chase minded- dancing today would be less anxiety-inducing with less people. He heads toward the Dancer's Room to clock in, though he couldn't help but hear some kind of altercation coming from Boss' office. Unable to quell his curiosity, he drifts near the office to listen in.

"C'mon, you know your club is dying. Partner up with me and I'll make sure you and your dancers are taken care of."

"Absolutely not. Your dancers are a bunch of prostitutes. I don't want that for any of my boys."

"Oh, so the one with the 17-year old dancer's gonna take the moral high ground now? Let's face it, you hired that boy because you're getting desperate, Marlo. At least my 'prostitutes' are legal in this county. What about yours?"

Chase's eyes widen at this. What... is this really true? Was he just being used?

"He's turning 18 in January- two months from now."

"Turning 18 isn't 18, Marlo. Besides, I'm sure if your dancers really knew, they wouldn't approve either. Either way though, that boy's got a lot of eyes on him. Hell I might stick around and see what he's made of and then swoop in February."

"Tch! Leave him out of it."

"Ah don't worry, I won't ask him... yet. Tossing in some extra chump change in his bags to keep him ain't gonna cut it, though. That boy's gonna want to make some real money soon, just so you know."

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