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Chase's phone goes off for the second time today. It went off earlier during lunchtime and now it was going off again in the middle of his English class. Jace raises an eyebrow and discreetly leans over.

"Your hotline blinging or nah?"

"Shut up," Chase lowly chuckles in return.

Truth is, since the locker room stint three days ago, Samuel's been trying to make this a new routine. Despite the material Samuel held over him, Chase maintained his distance from him. There were too many things he had on his mind at the moment and he wasn't going to put himself in yet another uncomfortable situation for someone else.


"Dude you should really check your phone," Jace remarks, half-annoyed.

"Alright, alright hang on," he grumbles, slyly slipping his phone from out of his pocket to text him beneath the table.

[Chase: Can you chill? I'm in class rn and Jace is right next to me.]

[Samuel: Idgaf. You respond when I tell you to, understand?]

[Chase: sure whatever]

Chase rolls his eyes.

[Chase: What do you want?]

[Samuel: You know what I want.]

[Chase: Bro, I already told you I'm not in the mood. Fuck off.]

[Samuel: Why not?]

[Chase: It should be pretty obvious, why.]

[Chase: Besides, I'm hanging out with Jace today.]

[Samuel: You liked it the first time. What's so different now?]

[Chase: Look, that was then and this is now.

Stop bothering me.]

[Samuel: You realize what I can do to you to

get you kicked out, right?]

[Chase: You realize blackmailing to solicit sex

out of someone is grounds for expulsion, right?]

[Samuel: Since when the fuck did you get

all this goddamn bravado? Don't pump out

your chest to me >:( ]

[Chase: ...Did you just type out an angry face?]

[Samuel: ...Yeah? What about it?]

[Chase: Fucking boomer.]

Chase pockets his phone with a huff. He can feel his friend's eyes flickering over to him.

"You okay, dude?"

"Yeah! I'm alright, no worries," he smiles at his small companion.

"You still up for swinging by my house today?"

"Of course, homie," he lightly jostles Jace, drawing out a light, pleased chuckle from the other.

"Nice. My mom's making dinner tonight, so let's eat before we get there."

Chase snorts. "Will do. Let's try one of those sandwiches from the gelato shop."


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