Different Mind, Different Day

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Every morning, Chase would go to school with an "in and out" mindset: go to school, do what you gotta do, then leave. Rinse and repeat until graduation. All the extra stuff; friends, extracurricular activities, that was all by choice. He never really went to parties, school events unless mandated by being on the football team, or field trips. There was little to no care for the people that went to the school outside of Jace.

Today was different.

He had a goal in mind- a mission. He was going to branch out more, mingle, and go to parties. It wasn't like he was socially awkward- he was confident and knew how to speak. He was good-looking and was well aware of it too. Chase wasn't sure if he could charm the jocks into getting invited, but he could probably charm Samuel.

Yeah, that was precisely what he was gonna do.

They needed to get together to work on the science project anyway and Samuel needed to be present regardless of whether he liked it or not. The experiment of choice was the Bread Mold Experiment. Can different types of bread grow different types of mold? Does light and temperature affect mold growth? They were to meet in the library after school to do their research.

"This is the stupidest fucking experiment I've ever seen in my entire life," Samuel huffs, crossing his arms. "Couldn't we do a volcano or some shit?"

"You gave up your chance to choose when you decided to push the whole thing onto me to do. Don't be mad at me, be mad at yourself," Chase retorts.

"If I ingest this shit and get sick, I'm on your ass."

"It's gonna be sealed, jesus," he facepalms. Chase had nearly forgotten his plan to charm Samuel into inviting him to parties with the way he was acting.

"So what are we doing now?"

"Have you not been paying attention? We're supposed to be researching and gathering information," Chase hisses.

"No, because this was your job. Don't be fucking rude," he shoots back.

The boys were too busy arguing to notice a set of footsteps increasingly becoming louder as it stopped right behind them.

"Boys? I hope you are getting along well since your peer mediation started?" Mr. Wedderburn's soft but firm voice declares, startling them.

"I uh-" Samuel stammers before jolting up with a blush.

"Yes, we're fine. Just ran into a bit of an issue," Chase puts a hand atop Samuel's with a bright, dimpled smile.

"Alrighty! Remember, if you fail this project, I'm tacking on another week to your peer mediation! Ta ta~" the principal strolls off. The boys exchange glances.

"...He can do that?" Chase whispers to the other.

"Apparently. You can move your hand now," the blonde quickly retracts his hand away and rubs it protectively with a flushed face.

Chase slowly retracts his as well, turning his head to hide the small smirk that crept on his face. Ah yes, Samuel still had a crush on him- this was great.

"You wanna move to another computer and do research there?" Chase suggests.

"Yeah just uh... just tell me what I'm looking for I guess," Samuel gets up and moves over without another word.

Tension was in the air, but it was a different type. There was no real unease from Chase's corner. That was obvious, though, he made it that way. Samuel was very compliant which was a nice change from before. Even though the blonde never cared for schoolwork, it seemed that he was putting in some effort. Chase wasn't sure if Samuel ever forgot about the blackmailing situation, but it didn't seem like he was using it as leverage over him for the time being.

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