The Project

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"So Chase! How's that science project going?" Samuel inquires with a "friendly" pat on the back.

Chase was slumped over his desk, tired. Two days had gone by since the whole blackmail incident and he was already getting on his nerves. They, well Samuel, agreed to exchange numbers so he can keep an eye on the other's whereabouts. What or why he would need to know what he's doing was beyond him.

"Fine. Would be nice if I can get a little help," he grumbles, shuffling through the papers. They had an introduction paper due today and he stayed up all last night doing it. Right now, they had a free period to converse and compare notes before Chemistry which was next period.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! No can do," he pats Chase on that head. "I have to keep my energy up for the game this Saturday!"

"Everything's not all about you, y'know. I need my rest, too," he mumbles under his breath. He was beyond exhausted.

"You can always just sit out this one and let me take over-"

"That's not an option, Samuel. I'm the quarterback. I need to be there."

"Yeah okay," he scoffs before leaning in and whispering dangerously: "You won't be anymore if your little secret gets out. So take my advice and sit out. Just because you're the star player, it doesn't mean shit."

"What would Mr. Barr think? Are you willing to jeopardize the entire team over this?" Chase could feel his voice rising from frustration, but had to keep it under control. It must've worked because he instantly averted his gaze. He appeared to be deep in thought. He cocks his head to the side before speaking again.


"Fine. I'll let it slide. Only because I hate losing. Give me the prompt sheet," he holds his hand out for the other to give it to him.

Upon Chase giving it to him, he snatches it away and makes some marks. Turning to pull out his own notebook from his bag, he turns to a page and jots some stuff down.

"Here," he gives it back. "The ones marked with 'S' you don't do."

Chase stares at him in disbelief before a small smile creeps in his face from his rare bout of kindness. He wasn't expecting this at all.

"Ah, thank you-"

"Shut up and go get me one of those Cokes from the vending machine," he cuts him off, pulling out his wallet from his pocket and handing him a dollar bill.

Chase's smile disappeared faster than it came as he snatched the bill from his hand and turned to leave.

The hallway he walked was cool and spacious as well as empty. The flooring was dark blue with scattered white tiles. Further down was the school's insignia: the eagle with the school name "West Shores Academy for Boys" (WSA). There were matching blue lockers on either side of the walls, though further down there were display cases of artwork and trophies. The WSA American Football Team was on its way up to the championships after decades of losses thanks to Coach Barr's and Chase's team plays. He had a natural affinity for coming up with strategies and teamwork which made him respected as a team captain.

Just a team captain, though.

He finally makes it to the drink machine and slips in the dollar. He pushes the button for the Coke, but gets a "Sold Out" message on the little screen. He gets the dollar back and shrugs. Guess Samuel's gonna be out of a Coke. He deserved it, really, for being an ass.

He heads back to the classroom and quietly enters, heading towards Samuel.


The blonde turns his head, scowling when he sees the other empty-handed.

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