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A puff of air escapes his nude lips as I plant fluttering kisses down his neck. My head is burrowed into his neck, taking in the soft, warm, buttery, sweet fragrance of cocoa butter while my free hand finds its way beneath his shirt, fingers pausing on his firm, muscular abdomen. It's slightly slick with sweat- probably from how hot and aroused he's become. I can tell with the way he's peering down with those honey eyes.

God, those fucking eyes... they kill me everytime he looks at me. Normally he tends to look at me with a hint of condescension, sometimes with a lot of intensity when he's upset. But this time was different. They conveyed a sense of neediness, of want, of lust.

I raise my head to make direct eye-contact, an unspoken word of trust between us two for what was about to happen. He gives a small nod and I return one back.

"I'm gonna touch you, okay?" I whisper.

He nods again, biting his lip, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple. "Okay."

My hand trickles down from his stomach, trailing his V-line and finding its way down his--


Samuel bellows, getting up and clicking off his phone alarm with a scowl. His body was flushed, his thighs wet and sticking together. Bleary-eyed, he paws at his erection and sighs. This was embarrassing, but he wouldn't dare tell anyone about this. Never.

He picks up his phone from his nightstand and holds it gingerly in his hand. Might as well see this through, right?



Party time.

Today's the big day, the day where Samuel was going to attempt to get closer to Chase. Not in a weirdo sort of way, he maintained, but in a way in which he hoped that Chase would acknowledge his feelings. He was sure Chase was probably nervous for different reasons, but Samuel was going to make sure that he would make his time a lot easier and, in other ways, fun.

He gets out of the shower and wraps his lower half in his blue towel before heading towards his room to get dressed. He shuts the door and looks over his already made, queen-sized bed. On it was his outfit for the day: white shoes, black jeans, grey-white hoodie, a black leather jacket with a black Santos de Cartier watch as an accessory.

Drying off his body, he gets the lotion from his dresser and moisturizes himself, glancing over when he hears his phone notification.

[Chase: You're still coming to get me right?]

He pulls his tank top on before picking up and responding.

[Samuel: No I just said I would 2 days ago for shits and giggles]

[Chase: bruh you're hella annoying there was no need for all that smh.]

Samuel grins as he gets dressed. He was kinda cute when he was upset. Hopefully he doesn't upset him enough that he'd blow his chances. Maybe he'd dial it back a bit.


After getting himself together, he spritzes himself with cologne and heads downstairs, grabbing the keys.

"Bye Samuel. Have fun and good luck!" Domi says without taking her eyes off the TV, giving him a thumbs up before he goes.

"Uh yeah, see you soon. Don't mess up the house," Samuel rubs the back of neck, bashfully before going.


Completely oblivious to Domi's non-response, he gets into the SUV and checks his notifications.

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