Night and Day

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Blake was getting dressed into her school uniform and she was looking at her bow. She hummed as she put it on Yangs bag into a little bow and wrote a little note 'don't break any bones during training dragon girl'. She kind of cringed knowing this is not allowed where she is from but she thought this was alright now that she was not there anymore. She put the note with the bow and looked in the mirror with her cat ears out remembering last night and nodded. Grabbing her bag she left out the door to her first class, weapon training. It seemed annoying to her that it was her first period today but knowing none of her teammates would be there to see her in action made her smile. That smile faded realizing Yang would not be there if something went terribly wrong with the other people. She shook her head and whispered,"Yang won't always be there."

She opened the door that led outside and put her bag down as she found her weapon and her spot of her first class. She sat down and felt eyes staring at her as she heard many whispers from her cat ear senses. She sighed softly and held her weapon close and saw the teacher walking forward. It was of course Mr. Port. Blake smiled from relief after hearing many good things about him, they were good to her that was. Port stood in the front of the crowd of students with their weapons,"Quiet students! Today I will tell you the rules and for today let you train how you wish! Whether its with someone, the dummies, the targets, or even the environment! The rules are that you not use shooting on others that could harm them! Do not hurt the school building at all, do NOT purposely try to hurt anyone, use your weapons and train responsibility! With that, you may start! I will be watching!" He walked to the back of the field. Blake stood with her weapon in hand and watched as everyone was training happily. She smiled and hummed walking to a dummy that she activated to use her sword blade with.

An hour had passed and everyone was let out of class finally. She put her weapon into her bag like the others and headed for the door that led inside to her next class. As she was about to touch the door she heard everyone scream as a familiar red flash was seen. She panicked not wanting to even see who it was and ran inside and ran as fast as she could, but she was to slow at that moment. She was pinned to the ground and her head hit so hard she passed out. The man took her silently and was never seen, just Blakes bag and school ribbon left behind.


Yang was sitting of class doodling on her work as she was wearing a bow in her hair,"Yang I never see you with stuff in your hair but dirt most times, whats up huuuh?" Nora smugged at her. Yang laughed and nudged her,"Just something a friend gave to me is all!" Nora rolled her eyes shaking her head and pulled out a piece of paper from her bag,"A friend??" Yangs face got red and took it quickly,"A friend! Who I just- care about-"

"Likewise?" Pyrrha interrupted smiling. Yang hummed and looked at the paper,"Blake never had anyone to trust is all...I care about her, is that so wrong?" Yang looked at Pyrrha who shook her head. Yang nodded and sighed,"Good...I do-" everyone screamed and ran out of the room and Yang looked at Pyrrha and Nora confused. They all took their scrolls out and read 'Faunus Girl Taken by White Fang Gang Leader, Investigators Suspect' Yang felt her bow fall to the ground and she looked at it then her scroll and her eyes immediately turned red. She took the bow and disappeared outside and stood alone screaming,"WHITE FANG. WHITE FANG. GIVE ME HER BACK. GIVE HER BACK. GIVE ME HER BACK NOW! GIVE MY BLAKE BACK YOU DAMNED ASSHOLES!" She fell to the floor crying as she held the bow close to her. Nora, Pyrrha, Ren, and Jaune rushed behind her and stood there with their weapons and looked at Yang frowning. Pyrrha walked over and got on her knee in front of Yang and put her hand on her shoulder and Yang looked at her. Pyrrha smiles hopefully,"We will get your Blake back, I promise...even if the rules are broken in the progress..." Yang looked at the bow and smiled wiping her tears and stood up and Jaune handed her gauntlets to her. She put them on and put the bow on and loaded her gauntlets,"I will save you Blake. Even if it kills me."

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