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Blake opened her eyes to see bars greeting her. She sat up as her head screamed at her," I...? This is not the school...." she rubbed her head and fixed her uniform. Standing up, she heard chain noises and looked down, her ankles were in shackles and her wrists as well. Looking around she realized where she was and silently lost herself after feeling tears go down her face. Her eyes colorless as if the hope she once had at Haven was suddenly gone. She pulled and tagged at the shackles as if it would do anything to help her escape this nightmare, she was wrong.

" know disrespecting your leader by running away is not the right answer to solve the problem you given me," a man she recognized said in a threatening yet smug tone. Blakes ears folded down and she looked up, seeing the same man she had once ran from. The very reason she was able to meet Yang. She backed away into the cold wall of her cage like cell and glared at him in fear. He laughed,"What is wrong? No need to be scared of your leader Blake dear. You simply were in the wrong place so I had to put my dear kitten back was all...," he reached for her through the cell grabbing her neck and pulled her close, her face on the bars that made her tears freeze,"and I will make sure the arraignment happens tomorrow and get the leadership I deserve." He threw her down and tightened his blindfold smiling. As he walked for the exit he stopped,"I ,Adam Taurus, will make sure that you never leave my leadership, again." He went through the door and as it shut echoing, Blake stood there shaking. She could not figure out why she was scared, she had this happen to her many times, why was she so scared? Why were voices of worry-ness for her life going through her head? Why was she scared to die this time knowing she won't?

She sat down, back to the wall. Staring at the empty roof as she listened to the dripping of water like music she loved. She looked at a torch that barely lit the darkness of the room. She stared at it...more...more...closer...closer. She got up and walked to the bars and stared at the flame more...,'Blaaaake! Blake? Blake-! Are you ok-? GUYS! Can't we just make Blake feel more at home here for once?' Blake gasped widening her eyes falling as if there was a sudden jump-scare from a movie. She looked at her wrists and a rose bloomed upon her cheeks,"Yang....," she whispered as she looked up at the flame. Knowing why she had fear upon her, she bashed her body against the bars once again. She was at the White Fangs basement before. She knew the darkness of the White Fang school. She truthfully hated it. It was as if it was its own government and land in one. She knew this was because of that man she once loved. She trusted him, loved him, cared for him, and even gave her leadership to him, the same one that her parents gave her. She thought he had justice for his heart, but all that was his heart was pointless power. Possession. Evil passion. She hated it, and when he trapped her here once, she escaped and ran to a home close to Haven and enrolled herself there. She did not know where her parents were but she knew while she is here, she must find them. That is what Yang would be proud of. Bravery.

Blake fell to the floor panting as she looked at her bruised arm and leg. She sighed,"Stronger bars...wonderful...". She looked around and slowly gave up sitting down. She hugged her knees as she listened to the chains move along her ground. She felt tears of frustration go down her face and she whispered,"Yang...please...I can't do this alone...". She knew, she had to have faith in the girl she has fallen for.

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