Once Upon a Life

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Blake was shutting the door as she whispered,"I am Blake Belladonna...," as she sighed turning. She then looked up and saw Ruby and Weiss arguing about something. She rolled her eyes and just ignored it. She saw her bed and smiled putting her bag down. It was still her first day so she was still getting the hang of things of course. Yet she tried to not stress out about anything thats little to her. She always especially made sure her bow was on more then anything,"ugh...maybe you two can shut up and we can make Blake here at home for once," Yang said walking into the room,"and stop arguing about stupid things? Please?"

"But Yang-! She started it-!" Ruby said pointing at Weiss.

"No I certainly did not! All I did was ask Ruby here if she could please make sure that her side of the room is nice and clean so that I can show my older sister, Winter who works by the Atlas General, our room for when she comes over next semester!" Weiss yelled stomping her foot on the floor on the last word crossing her arms. This made Blake flinch slightly as she was putting away her book collection in the shelves. Yang noticed and sighed shaking her head,"Weiss please do not-"

"SO WHAT WEISS?! It is like- DAY ONE OF EVERYTHING! When she comes over we will clean a day ahead like normal people do!" Ruby yelled whining slightly. This again, caused Blake to flinch sighing this time as she dropped a book. She picked it up putting it into the correct place and order and frowned continuing her organizing of her books,"SO! I want this place clean until then!" Weiss said pointing at Ruby.




"ENOUGH. BOTH OF YOU TWO!" Yang yelled her eyes red and her hair on fire. Blake flinched and looked over seeing Yang this way. Her ears folded down slightly. Yang sighed and put her hands on her hips, her eyes normal,"I understand you two are verrryyyyy excited about our second year with a team- full that is. But our new team member comes from a place thats- uh-," she shook her head looking at Blake and Blake just nodded at her,"very dangerous and we need to show her what Havan is all about! So for a bit please just relax! We have not- well except Ruby and I knowing we are sisters- have not seen each other during the summer break. And that this is gonna be the first year in a dorm cause of the polices and stuff but- that does not make any excuse to argue and not get along. So please you two. Lets get along and help Blake feel more at home here." Yang looked over at Blake smiling.

Ruby and Weiss looked over at Blake and then back at each other. They both sighed and shook hands. Yang nodded and crossed her arms smiling looking at Blake,"Ruby and Weiss already got there stuff all ready to go and unpacked. Do you maybe need help at all with any unpacking?"

"No no...I am fine thank you...," Blake put the last book in the shelf and sighed looked at Ruby and Weiss,"I just grew up in a place where quiet existed is all so I am not used to loudness...," she looked at her books mumbling,"nor do I even like it at the slightest." Yang put her hair in a ponytail and looked at Weiss and Ruby,"Did you two do your homework?"

"Do not ask me such childish question-"

"Not you," Yang interrupted Weiss and pointed at Ruby,"this. She never does her homework but will gladly pick up a heavy ass scythe and swing it around like it's nothing!" Weiss snickered a bit as Ruby crossed her arms. Yang shook her head and walked over to her back pack looking through it. She found papers that were in a messy pile. Yang pulled it out and sorted it on Rubys bed and pointed at it glaring at Ruby. Ruby whining, she sat on the bed and started getting to work. Weiss raised her eye brows a little shocked that Rubys "irresponsible" older sister would demand her to do anything and her actually doing it without any argue.

Blake was sitting on her bed looking through her bag to see if there was anything else she needed to take out and put away. She found nothing but her kimono pj's and smiled knowing that she had completely put everything sway in silence,"Finally...." she whispered to herself in a small victory. She took her pj's out and stood up,"Does anyone need the bathroom? I will just be getting ready for bed and relaxing," she asked looking at Weiss brushing her hair with her pj's on, Ruby studying with her school uniform on still, and Yang playing some game on her scroll her pj's on as well,"No we are good I think. Once your done in there I will tell Ruby to go next. She needs to study as long as possible while she is still focused so do take as long as you need Blake. We got you," Yang smiled at her before looking at her game once more. Blake smiled nodding and slowly walked to the bathroom shutting the door and turning the lights on, at the same time.

She locked the door and put her pj's on the sink counter and stood in front of the mirror. She slowly took the bow off her cat ears, wiggling them. She smiled and took her uniform off and slowly and gently put her pj's on. Yawning, she took a cue tip cleaning all 4 of her ears, fanus cat and human. Throwing the cue tips away she looked at herself in the mirror,"You can do this...you know that...just...keep calm and do not...," she slowly took her ribbon off her cat ears and sighed,"let it show..." Blake starred at the mirror for a couple if minutes until she saw Adam behind her. She screamed panicking, knocking the toilet paper into the toilet on accident. She was breathing fast and heavy her eyes wide with fear looking around. She soon calmed down and sighed looking at the toilet. She picked up the wet roll and throwed it in the trash,"Luckily it was one..." Blakes kimono came undone and she growled in annoyance seeing the seal that closes her kimono slipped off.

Suddenly Yang opened the door fast her gauntlets on,"WHAT HAPPENED WHOS BUTT AM I-" Blake turned to Yang and blinked. Yangs face turned red standing there frozen. Blakes eye brow rose and tilted her head thinking,'why is she starring at me for...?' Then she looked down and in the mirror. Her chest bare and underwear showing from her kimono undone and her cat ears out. Blakes face turned red and grabbed the metal trash can and threw it at Yang screaming,"GET OUT YOU PERV-!!!!!!!" Yang was hit in the face and slammed the door shut falling backwards in the dorm room.

Blake was panting her face red. She calmed down and grabbed her seal and closed her kimono and put her ribbon back on. She got ready for bed and opened the bathroom door and saw Weiss and Ruby asleep. She rolled her eyes as she walked to her bed. Sitting down and grabbing her book to read for the night, she heard Yang whisper,"Pssstt....Blaaaake...." Blake looked up and saw she was smiling at her,"Can you come with mee? In the hall...please...?" Blake nodded thinking,'maybe to say sorry for what she did....' Blake got up from her bed once more putting her book down and making sure it doesn't fall off the bed.

Blake and Yang went out the door and made sure the door was shut and that no one else can kind of hear them. Yang looked at Blake,"So...first...I am sorry for- that- uh...I am protective is all..." Blake nodded figuring this out on her own,"and second...your really a...?" Blake widen her eyes a bit and looked to the side crossing her arms and frowning. She nodded and was confused when she felt arms wrap around her gently her head at Yangs chest,"That's ok, I will keep you safe alright? Just call my name when you need me, for anything..." Blake was blushing hard and smiled tearing up and hugged her back tightly and softly purring happily. Yang kissed Blakes head softly and let go of her slowly and smiled opening the door,"Ladys first" Blake smiled and quickly kisses her cheek then vanished like a shadow in the night to her bed laying down. Yang stood there red and shook her head smiling and went to her bed as well.

"This year is gonna be interesting...." whispered Pyrrha smiling as she was coming from practice late and went to her dorm with her team happy to find her theory correct.

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