24: The morning after we kissed

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I kiss her possessively, knowing she is all mine and only mine. The little teasing stunt she pulled to rile me up worked just fine. But I need to take it slow, my love for her is not just physical attraction it is more than that. It is the respect I have for this woman. The undivided love I have for her and everything else.

I pull back and look down in to her closed eyes, that blink open slowly. Her honey colored eyes were dreamy as she looked up at me. "Angel," That was all I could say as I kept looking at her beautiful eyes. They held so much love. They were happy and at ease. And that was the exact moment I promised myself that I won't let anything touch my angel. 

"Lucca" She replies after getting her breathing under control. Her cheeks were flushed with a shade of red and she looked so adorable.

"Don't look at me like that." I warned her when she looked up at me with so must trust and desire. " I want to take it slow with you angel." I say slowly as I rub my thumb back and forth over her lower lips.

A look of understanding passes through her before she nods. "Ah..Lucca, I want to tell you something." She says as she gets her gaze back at me. "I have never dated anyone before you,..." I cut her knowing exactly what she was going to say. 

And this was the exact reason I was going slow with her. She was the most precious thing to me and I wasn't going to destroy it in the moment of impulse. I wasn't good at controlling what I wanted but for my angel I would do it. Take everything slow until I know she is ready.

"Angel," I stop her from continuing, "Why do you think I haven't kissed you before this." 

She shyly smiles and hides her eyes from me. I use my hand that was cupping her to tilt her chin up. So we were eye to now "I will wait until you are ready. I will always wait for you angel." I say meaning each and single word of it. Then I move my lips up to her forehead and place a soft kiss there.

I wake up the next morning with a huge smile on my face. It was a smile of both happiness and like everything I ever needed was right next to me my angel. 

My angel loved to snuggle and she was sweetly tucked close to my right side. I lie there enjoying the warmth and feeling of her so close to me. The sun was peeking through the window curtains but I didn't move an inch. Staying exactly there as I continued to pay with her soft golden hair that was half spread on top of my shoulder and the other over my chest.

I gently grabbed her hand that was resting over my chest and brought it close to my lips before kissing it softly. Last night I thanked her for cooking for me and for taking care of me. I wanted to do something special for her too. I thought for a couple of minute before deciding to cook breakfast for her and bringing it back up on the bed. I would wake her up slowly and we would both enjoy the breakfast in the bed. Like two lazy couple.

After deciding what I was going to do I slide slowly from under my angel. Not wanting to wake her up as I head towards the bathroom. I hurry through my morning routine and take a quick shower. Then I head to the closet attached to the toilet and start changing into my normal attire. 

I put on my black slacks with formal white shirt and suit jacket. I hear some shuffling outside and wonder if my angel is up already. I wanted to cook for but it looks like she must be trying to beat to it. I throw the towels in the hamper and glance around the closet to make sure it was clean for angel to use. 

My eye fall on the side of my closet, where my angel had hanged few of her clothes. When she came over I asked her to hang them all next to mine. At first she was hesitant but when I told her if she won't I would. She reluctantly agreed, although she pouted while doing it. But she still looked so adorable.

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