4: When all Hell breaks Loose

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I was scanning my surrounding, and that's when I noticed them, the paramedic staff. They looked suspiciously. Their faces in particular. They were pale and their anxious eyes kept desperately looking at the each other and then at the front of the van, at the driver?? And when Francisco jumped in the van next to me, I noticed how their eyes went wild and looked straight up at the driver in panic. Like they have been inadvertently caught doing something wrong.

So when Francisco phone rang, I casually glanced at the driver. And noticed an eagle tattoo on the back of his neck. A tattoo that showed he wasn't just a regular paramedic staff. He was a soldier. All the new soldier has to proof themselves in order to have their gang tattoo on them. A loyalty gesture.But the problem was, I didn't recognize this particular tattoo, which only meant there was a new gang. And they were ready to start a war.

When I glanced back  at Francisco I knew he too noticed the driver and wanted to see for himself who had the audacity to attack us. The Massimo's. 

 But I wanted to drag this a bit longer, so I could see their leader and figure out his plan. So I gripped Francisco's wrist casually and when he looked at me I blinked twice and nodded my head up and down letting him know that I got this.

I noticed how Francisco, wanted to fight me on this but he knew me and trusted my judgment and agreed silently.

After Francisco had left the van. One of the paramedic staff hurried in and sat on the small bench  next to my gurney while the other rushed to the front passenger seat after closing the van door

As the van started moving the paramedic who was next to me, said that he is going to insert an IV cannula on my hand so he could start the analgesics. I nod in acknowledgement and silently observe how his hands were cold and they kept shaking.

Before he started the drip he nervously looked at the front of the van, pretty sure at the driver and then quickly averted his gaze and started the analgesia. 

After a few minutes when I started feeling drowsy and light headed. I realized the drip wasn't  analgesic. It was sedative. And some pretty strong one.

And I needed to hurry up and remove the cannula. So I tired to open my eyes, blinking a few times to clear my vision and then moved my eye up at the paramedic. He was busy, nervously glancing at the IV bag and then back at his watch. He barely glanced at me.

So I casually moved my other hand - the one without the cannula and placed it over the one which had cannula. And then discreetly pulled the needle out of my hand and inserted it into the cotton ball surrounding the cannula and let the drug slowly drip on my suit. 

I was wearing a dark maroon three piece suit, I was sure the odorless liquid dripping from the cannula won't be visible on it.
And kept my eyes closed for the rest of the drive and played along.


After 15 or so minutes, the van came to a screeching halt and by then my dizzy spell were better . But I kept my eyes closed and waited for their next move.

"Is he out" A rough, rusty voice yelled furiously. It must be the driver. I presume.

"..a..ye..s....yes sir."The paramedic scarcely replied in a shaky voice.

"Good.Let move him inside."the driver spoke triumphantly.

"Sir, ple.. please sir let us ..us go. We won't say any.. anything. Please sir" the paramedic pleaded.

But the driver didn't reply instead he got out of the van and slammed the door shut.

Then suddenly the van's back doors were jolted open and I heard two gun shot. And I knew the paramedic guys were no more.

The gurney on which I was stretched out pretending to be unconscious was pulled out of the van and then someone, I assume the driver pulled out the cannula in my hand and moved me in.

I had no idea where I was been moved. No idea who I was dealing with. No idea how many people were there. No idea if they were armed or not. I wasn't scared the least bit on the contrary I was eager to kill every single of them all with my bare hand. 

"The boss is going to love this." The van driver announces triumphantly and then ordered his men to move me.

They moved me from the gurney to a chair and then tied my hands in the back with what I could assume was the robe. I kept my head tilted down pretending to be drugged.

Then a guy from my left spoke "Dante. Boss is here."

I heard  footsteps coming my direction. Then a thick rusty voice spoke "Dante my man. You did it."


"Dante, I can't believe they fell for the paramedic trick." This time his voice loud and clear. Like he is standing right infront of me. But I could open my eye. I needed to wait. 

"It was so much funny seeing his stupid bull of a brother rushing out to catch the sniper. And leaving behind his brother. Their underboss." Dante gloated and they both laughed triumphantly on their victory.

After complimenting their oh so brilliant plan, the boss order them to keep an eye on me 24/7. On his was out he mumbles something  about calling my father and paying his condolence to him.

Condolence on what?? My death?? 

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