No Winners

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Days after meeting Jack Marston, Y/N got the news that Edgar Ross was killed while out hunting. It gave her peace of mind that her husband was avenged, though not by her hand, but by his own flesh and blood. John had done so much for the country, for his states, and for the law yet that was all a front.

Y/N had not seen Jack since then and just assumed he continued his path alone. The woman was washing the last of her dishes when she heard a massive amount of horses galloping towards her property. She threw the rag aside and peeked out the window only to see a bunch of uniformed riders heading her way. Lawmen.

She panicked and grabbed her revolver, brief flashbacks to John's final day appeared in her head. It was happening again.

They were confidently coming her way and that made her nervous. She leaned on the wall and listened to the whole commotion.

"Dear Miss Marston! Don't be shy and come out!" Y/N recognized the voice - Reid Hixon, "You are under arrest for the murder of Agent Edgar Ross, come out peacefully and we will consider not punishing you by death!"

She had the honor to butt heads with the man before and knew exactly what kind of person he was. She knew that he would not give up until she was a goner.
At first, Y/N hesitated to answer but she knew that if she didn't, they would storm her place, "I did not kill that old bastard! I'd rather die than rot in a hoosegow, Hixon, you're well aware!"

"I know you are responsible for the death of Edgar Ross, who, if I'm correct, killed your dear husband - John Marston."

"Whole America wanted that man dead, you sure about blaming me?" Y/N asked. The woman quietly wandered to the other side of the living room, she peeped out the windows and noticed more lawmen completely surrounding her house. If they weren't circling her from every possible side, she would've had a chance to fight back. The chances of her coming out breathing were looking slimmer than a thread.

"I'll give you ten seconds to come out with your hands above your head. You're surrounded, this is your final chance, Y/N Colter!"

Y/N bit down her lip while Reid Hixon counted down, at four she sighed, dropped her gun, and walked out of the building with her hands in the air. The lawmen did not hesitate to push her to the ground, feel her up for any weapons, and hogtie her with chains. Face full of dust, the men lifted her up and moved her to the prison wagon. She was not awaiting anyone to suddenly arrive and save her skin, Jack probably had no idea she was in that kind of a mess and everyone else was gone.

Reid Hixon did not assign her to Sisika Penitentiary, nor a jail cell in Armadillo, instead, they headed straight to Valentine. The trip lasted about two full days, and Y/N was dehydrated, starving, and sunburnt. The woman had red, irritated eyes and greasy hair covering them. Her clothes were dirty, and worn out. Upon arrival at Valentine, women gasped at the sight of the prison wagon and its content, and men cheered and whistled to the lawmen. All kinds of words were thrown around for Y/N to hear but they did not phase her, she was awaiting the worst possible outcome.

The wagon came to a rough stop, Y/N heard the horses huff as lawmen approached the steel gate. When it was finally open, Y/N was forced on her feet by one lawman and the other unchained her feet for more balance.

Once her feet were free, she was roughly shoved towards the gallows, a noose already hanging in place. She had no other choice but to comply with the law. She climbed the steps, guided by the lawmen. Reid Hixon and other men stood on the gallows, awaiting her arrival. Her hands were unchained and red marks were imprinted on her wrists. She winced slightly as she examined her wrists.

When the woman pulled her eyes away from the marks, she noticed dozens of town folk gathered to watch: men, women, and kids. After examining everyone briefly, she noticed Colter gang members, disguised as ordinary townsfolk. For a second, she met a glimpse of hope that they would save her, but their expressions suggested otherwise. They were there to watch her hang.

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