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Y/N decided it was best to take her leave after the nostalgic conversation she had with some of the Van Der Linde outlaws. Without saying much to anyone, she left the same night and headed straight to Rhodes. Without hesitation or any stops, she managed to get to Rhodes in one night. The young woman set up her camp in Southfield Flats, although marked it as temporary.

She hated to admit it, but she grew close to some personas in the Van Der Linde gang. Some seemed to have good, honest intentions and others just wanted to watch her rot. Regardless, the life she lived was not one to be shared. Friends, family, or lovers would be lost so it was best to stay away. The price on her head was advancing each day and that stunt she pulled back in Valentine would not be forgotten so soon. They would surely come looking for her, and when they did - she'd be ready.

Another day passed and Y/N felt herself slowly running out of supplies and fought the urge to go into town. But she had to, right? At some point, she would have to face civilization for her own good. She rested in the grass, eyes exploring the sky above her. The more she hesitated, the more she wanted to get back in town.

Daylight shone, and Y/N finally gathered some of her belongings and mounted up. The trip to Rhodes was quiet and calm. She saw some villagers here and there, but nobody sparked interest in her. Her main goal was the post office. She was curious if her mother had sent her a letter after all those years. Once she was near, she hopped off her stallion, hitched him up, and went inside. When she entered, she didn't feel welcome, she didn't feel like she belonged. Quickly making her way to the post office clerk, she lowered her head.

"Hello Miss, how can I help you today?" the man asked as he smiled at the dame.

"Do you have anything for Y/N Colter..." she said noiselessly,"...from Maybelle Colter?"

The man looked at her and nodded, "Y/N Colter...I'll be right back,"

She nodded and turned her back to the man, waiting patiently. The man got back to her, "I'm sorry, Miss,"

She got the message, or no message to be exact, and nodded, wasting no time to get to the exit.

"That was a waste of fucking time," she mumbled to herself. Y/N walked with no destination in the town. Soon enough she would need to go gather supplies whether it be hunting or fishing, killing or stealing. She walked to the Gunsmith store and stopped to sit down on the steps. She sat for a minute, deep in thoughts before a man aggressively jabbed her back with his boot.

"You're in my way, whore," he pointed out. Y/N to see who it was and disgust filled her senses when she realized it was Mister Bell.

"Good to see you too, Micah," she greeted him, voice full of sarcasm.

"I heard you ran away. Wouldn't expect anything more from a lowlife criminal like you," he moved past her.

"Hey, Micah," she got up, "I think you'd know the most regarding lowlife criminals considering where you are now in life,"

Without wavering, Micah grabbed the collar of the woman's blouse and pulled her closer, "Listen, I tried to be nice, but you're willingly jumpin' the gun here, Miss Colter. I don't like you and I'm not falling for your shit as Dutch did...or Marston did. You got guts following us here,"

"Following you here? You're nuts, Micah. Old, sweaty bastard. What kind of name is Micah, anyway? Your parents must hate you," she said slyly and spat on his hand that was gripping her collar. He pushed her away resulting in the young woman dropping on her ass.

She stared him dead in the eye and he scoffed in return, "You think you're some big shit, snake,"

"Hey! Micah! What are you doing now?!" a voice called out to the man. Y/N turned to notice John Marston walking their way. She hastily got up and turned to John. He walked up to the two and looked at Micah then at Y/N, "Are you okay?"

"You're lucky I didn't shoot you, greasy cheat," Y/N spat at Micah.

"Micah, don't ya' have better things to do than harass every living person you see?" John asked, raising his voice at Micah Bell.

"This ain't a person, John," Micah huffed as he gazed at the woman.

John pushed Micah further away from Y/N, "Get outta here before I tell Dutch you ain't playin' your part,"

Micah accepted defeat and slowly retreated, "You've lost it, Marston." He pointed at Y/N and made a gun sign with his fingers, pretending to shoot the lady.

With Micah finally out of the picture, John sighed and looked at the woman next to him. Y/N flashed him a smirk and came closer, "What are you doing here, John?"

"We moved. Again," he answered with a stoic face.

"Again?" she repeated. John nodded and looked away, fixing his hat.

"Why did you leave so suddenly?" he asked, turning back to the woman.

"Were you surprised?" her smirk widened across her cheeks.

He sighed. He thought that was a joke to her. A game. To that woman - life was a game, but it didn't appear like she'd be losing any time soon. The thing was, John didn't want to lose either, "Stop with the crap, Y/N,"

Her smirk faded and she turned her head away from Marston, "I don't have to explain anything to you, Mister Marston. I simply didn't want to stick around longer than I should. I didn't want to watch this group fall apart like they always do,"

She turned her back to him and started walking. John accompanied her, "Y/N. It's not gon' fall apart. I know that. You know that,"

"How do you know what I know? You're being optimistic for a guy who doesn't know if your child is really yours,"

"Why is everyone comin' at me about Jack? What's he got to do with us?" he argued as he raised his hands a bit while he walked alongside the woman.

Y/N stopped in her tracks at the last word.

"Us?" she raised her eyebrows, surprised. He nodded nervously in response.

"There is no us, John. We're just two outlaws. Two people. You know that. I don't know what kind of ideas you've be-"

"Y/N." John interrupted her. "You try to be this mysterious loner, cold-blooded murderer, but really, you're just scared. I've heard you talk about your past. I've seen you take over the gun show in just a matter of seconds. I seen what the real you is like. Your eyes shine when you meet new people. I seen it. You must think I'm an idiot, darlin'. Fine, I am an idiot, but I will never pretend to be somethin' I ain't,"

Y/N stared at the man not knowing what to say or when to say it. He got her in a trap, one she couldn't figure out how to escape.

"I don't believe in fate, but we've been crossin' paths ever since that night. Maybe you are following us...I don't know. You intrigue me, Y/N. I've never met a woman like you before. Please stop runnin'. Come back with me," he then reached his hand out to gently stroke her shoulder. John was completely shaken by this woman on the inside. To him, she was beautiful, strong-willed, and smart. In his eyes, she was an unopened treasure chest. Her brave but somewhat reckless behavior just pulled him in.

Y/N stood completely frozen. She needed a minute or two to process what he said. She shook her head to get out of the daze and then smiled at him.

He smiled when she did, "Come on, I hear Pearson's cookin' up something fancy soon,"

They both mounted up and left the town. Y/N was ready to follow him and open up, like a treasure chest.

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