Chapter 8 : A New Start Or A Totall Downfall?

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Marinette: *Siiiggghhhh*


Luka: Marinette? Are you ready? I'm downstairs right now.

Marinette: Yes Luka. I'm ready. I'll be down in a minute.

Luka: Ok. I'll be waiting for you.

I closed my phone and I took my bag from the ground to put some things in it and then leave. It's been a month since that "incident" with Adrien in the classroom but I barely saw him since then. I had time to think and to clear my head. That's how I decided that I should give myself and Luka a chance to make this relationship work. It's my fault after all and I..... I kind of cheated on him. OK not kind of. I cheated on him! I kissed another boy while I was in a relationship with him! And to make things worse, the guilt I feel every day can not be compared with the guilt I was feeling when I was with Adrien. I mean, when I was with Adrien, for some reason I felt like Luka didn't exist. But anyway. What matters is that now we're back to how we used to be. Luka and I are constantly going on dates and my life is basically back to how it was. I only see Adrien when we're in class and that's like one time a week. He is avoiding me too and he is only talking with Nino when I'm not around but Alya told me about it. I don't know if that is for the best anymore but what I know is that my life is back to how it was and I finally have a chance to make a new start. Even If it hurts Adrien's feelings. What happened between us wasn't supposed to happen anyway.

Mom: Marinette, honey, are you coming? Your boyfriend is waiting for you.

Marinette: I'm coming mom.

I took my bag from the ground and I placed my phone in it. I ran downstairs and I hugged Luka.

Luka: Wow! Easy Marinette. I'm not going anywhere.

Marinette: I know. Just wanted a hug anyway.

Luka: Okay. Whenever you're ready.

What did I do to deserve such an amazing boyfriend?????!!???

Lula: Ready to leave beautiful?

Marinette: Yes. Let's go.


At the restaurant.......

Marinette: Alya!!!!

Alya: Marinette!!!

Nino: Girls, it's been only 2 hours. Why are you screening and hugging like that?

Alya: We have such an unbreakable bond with Marinette that being apart from each other for a long time is simply unbearable. You wouldn't understand anyway.

Nino: What?!? How dare you! I'm telling you, you're terribly wrong. My friendship with Luka and my friendship with Adrien is perfectly fine if you want to know!

Alya: Yeah yeah. Whatever you say Nino.

Marinette: Okay guys enough! We came here to eat and have fun together remember? It's been forever since we all got out together. And I know we all missed this. I can't remember the last time we did this.

Luka: Mari is right. We should propably head inside. Let's not be late this time.

Marinette: Right! Let's go.

The moment I got inside my mouth dropped.

Marinette: Wow! Guys, where did you bring us?

Alya: Yeah. This place is amazing. And I'm not easily surprised.

Nino: What did you expect girls? We only bring you to the best.

Marinette: *Giggle* Thank you very much for being so considerate guys. This place is really amazing.

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