The time you chose not to be with me

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A/N: Hello and welcome to a new Delia x Reader story! This is inspired by Blake McGrath's song ''Instead''. I highly recommend listening to it while reading this story! Enjoy ❤️ 


''Delia'' you beg barely above a whisper looking into her brown eyes pleading and begging her silently to finally choose you and accept the truth and your feelings towards each other. Tears stream down the headmistress face and she quickly wipes them away and composes herself. ''Stop calling me that'' she demands her voice breaking but sounding stern. You tilt your head to the side hurt by her words. You look down slowly the reality sinking in and you realizing that all along you have read this whole situation wrong, your feelings clearly were one sided despite Myrtle encouraging you to be honest with Cordelia. You know deep down if she didn't care she wouldn't be crying and reacting in this way right now while standing in her bedroom. ''Cordelia please he is not good enough for you, he won't do the things that I would do, he's not good enough .. to be even half as good as he should be'' you say trying to hold back the tears but they stream down your cheeks anyway. ''Stop it'' Cordelia answers stomping her feet on the floor like a child throwing a tantrum her fists clenching in frustration. ''Hank is good enough, he will be the father of my child'' she answers and in her eyes you can tell she is trying to convince herself of what she had just said. ''Oh so that's what this is about? because he can give you children?'' you ask scoffing a bit at how foolish she is. ''Listen he could never be good enough for you Delia, please don't deny the feelings we feel for each other'' you say and step closer holding her cold hand. ''Cordelia I love you and I have for a long time please don't tell me I was wrong all along'' you say. There is a moment of hope as her cold hands travels to your cheeks and she wipes your tears and in her eyes you can see something that has been there for a long time a hurt and pain. The two of you are interrupted when the door flings open and Hank walks in and the two of you instantly take a step back and her hand leaves your face. ''Everything okay here?'' he asks with a smug smirk and you look at Cordelia, your eyes once again begging her to not let you go and to just admit to you and herself her true feelings. ''Yes everything is fine, Y/N was just leaving'' she says her voice sounding so cold and your heart shatters a little at her words but you leave and just before closing the door you meet her eyes one last time. After closing the door you can hear Hank say ''How have you been baby'' and kissing her and you sigh in disgust and run to your room. 

For the first few days after this interaction you tried to carry on, going on about your days at the coven and not let the situation with Cordelia affect your life too much but it's impossible when she won't even look at you anymore, speak to you and when the girls took notice of what is going on with you two you couldn't stand it anymore and although the decision is a very painful one you know it has to happen because there is no reality of you ever living at the coven while Cordelia pretends to be happy with Hank when you know the reality is something else. You have joined the coven a while ago and Fiona Goode as your supreme isn't exactly the easiest thing but the headmistress Cordelia Goode, her daughter always manages to brighten your days and make you happy. You joined after your parents abandoned you for having powers and being a witch and you had nowhere to go when you found the coven and you have been there ever since. You are one of the older witches and your magic is average but you decide to work on it every single day and you remember the countless nights you and Cordelia have spent in the greenhouse, working on your magic, her teaching you things, the laughter you two exchanged until the middle of the night and barely making it back to your rooms before passing out and falling asleep from feeling so exhausted. The coven and witches that eventually joined like Zoe or Madison and the others have been more of a family to you than your own. As you sit outside of the coven in the evening while the sun set ages ago, a tear streams down your face and you are quick to wipe it away. The reality of you leaving the coven and everything that comes along with it slowly sinks in and you can't begin to imagine what it will be like without Cordelia or the people you have gotten so close to like Myrtle or your friends. Just as you are thinking about her you suddenly hear familiar footsteps and the witch with orange hair approaches you with a smile. ''Hey what are you doing out here so late Y/N?'' she asks and sits down next to you. You take a deep breathe and you begin to explain ''Myrtle I am leaving'' and she turns to you with a shocked expression ''Oh what darling don't say that'' but you shake your head and carry on explaining ''She made it clear Myrtle she doesn't love me and well if she does and it was a lie then she doesn't want me.. she made that clear'' you say and the tears are building up and your throat feels like a knot is making it impossible to speak now. ''What happened?'' Myrtle asks confused because the last time you two spoke you were full of hope about finally admitting your feelings to Cordelia. ''She- said she wants to be with Hank'' you manage to say before completely falling apart and breaking down in Myrtle's arms. ''I am so sorry dear'' she says and takes you into her arms, comforting you and drying your tears. The two of you sit there for ages until you feel exhausted from the pain and crying. ''Come on Y/N let's go to bed'' she says and she helps you to your room and gives you a reassuring smile but deep down the woman who knows both of you and Cordelia so well that this situation is out of hand and she would be damned if she didn't at least try and fix this tomorrow morning. 

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