Don't ever pretend that we are both unaware

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A/N: The timeline is a little different to the actual coven/apocalypse one but so just go with it, enjoy ❤️


After getting your coffee orders you make your way back to your apartment, feeling a bit better after being outside and getting some fresh air. It took you way longer than you intended to in the coffee shop so Coco had to wait for a little while. ''Finally Y/N'' she exclaims with a roll of her eyes and a sigh. ''I'm sorry Coco I got us coffee'' you apologize trying to make it up to her. ''Come on get inside I have news'' she says excitedly and you quickly unlock the door of your apartment and the both of you step inside. After putting your coat and bag away you ask ''So what is the news?'' and she gives you the biggest and proudest smile before explaining. ''I'm going to the academy Y/N my dad already called the headmistress'' she says full of excitement and jumping a bit. ''Um that's great Coco'' you mumble and you fear she will keep her word and wants you to be there with her. ''And you are coming with me Y/N'' she says and as expected you try and protest. ''Coco listen you will do fine there you don't need me honestly'' but she gets up from her seat and walks closer to you. ''Please Y/N I do need you truly you have taught me so much and I at least want them to meet my great teacher there'' she says in an effort to get you to agree. ''Coco they already know me there'' you blurt out and she looks at you confused. ''Oh they do?'' she asks and you feel bad for raising your voice so you ask her to sit down with you. ''Listen Coco I also went to the academy when I was younger'' you say and her smile only grows brighter. ''Well that's just great Y/N that means you know the place and you can show me around'' and she looks full of hope and you don't want to deny her that and at the same time you have always dreamt and imagined being at the coven again and seeing familiar faces and at least this gives you a good reason. If there is one thing you believe in it's destiny and if this isn't that then you don't know what is. Coco can tell by your reaction that you are considering it and every second you don't speak she takes it as a Yes and sign you will come with her. After thinking about it for a second longer you agree because you could never forgive yourself for turning down the opportunity of seeing Delia again. ''Fine Coco'' you say and she squeals from excitement and hugs you tightly. ''Thank you Y/N'' and after letting go you ask ''When are we going?'' and she looks down as if she is feeling guilty so you ask again. ''Coco tell me what day are we going'' your voice now a bit lower confused at her reaction. ''Today'' she mumbles and at first you think you misunderstood. ''What?'' you ask and she says it again this time louder. ''Coco today? what I cant-'' but she cuts you off. ''Please Y/N I will go home and pack my bags and pick you up in let's say two hours?'' she says as she looks at the time on her phone and you don't even have time to respond because she leaves with the words. ''Amazing Y/N you are the best see you in two hours'' and you are left in your apartment, your jaw dropped, confused at what the hell just happened and what you just agreed to. 

You sit there for a while and it feels like this isn't real but you snap out of it when you see the time and figure you only have an hour before you have to meet Coco so you quickly run to your bedroom and wardrobe in an effort to find some suitable clothing for meeting everyone and especially Delia again. In the end you decide to wear a sweater as it is still cold outside and shirt underneath and a skirt with tights and your favorite boots. Your hair and makeup is fine and so you grab a few things like your bag and you make sure everything is in there like your phone, charger, keys and purse in case you would need those things. Before you know it you lock your apartment door after Coco texted you and you enter the car and she gives you a bright smile and grabs your arm. ''Oh my god Y/N I am so excited I never thought I could be part of a coven or enrolled in an academy especially my age'' she says and you smile feeling happy for her but at the same time your body is acting up and your palms are sweaty and heart beating fast because you are scared what it will be like seeing everyone and especially Cordelia again. The drive will take about three hours and as you pass the street of your apartment and then the streets slowly fading into landscapes and highway you remember the day when you left the coven and got on a train. You didn't leave New Orleans until the late evening of that day because you kept hoping that Cordelia would call or find you and ask you to come back, part of you even thought about just going back on yourself and staying in Cordelia's life even if it means pain and heartache. But when a train arrived with the last destination of Jackson, a city you have only heard of you end up getting on the train and although as it departures tears stream down your cheeks and your heart feels like breaking you know it's for the best as Cordelia could never admit her feelings and part of you wants her to be happy, that is all you have ever cared about. You fell asleep on the train and you wandered clueless around the city until things took it's turn and you saw a job offer in a coffee shop in the window and you walked in and got the job, your co-worker at the time letting you crash on their sofa until you eventually got money, an apartment and a proper teaching job. Throughout those months, that eventually turned into years you often hated yourself for your behavior and leaving despite you knowing deep down it was for the best. You also often hated Cordelia for being stubborn and denying you both a chance at happiness. Coco pulls you out of your thoughts after asking ''So what can you tell me about the academy Y/N'' and you think about it for a moment. ''Well I don't know if things are still the same but back then Fiona Goode was Supreme but they were going to do a seven wonders test to determine who will be next supreme and I don't know if Fiona is still there'' you say and think about what else you can tell her ''There is always morning gathering even on the weekends just to make sure everyone is doing okay and you can talk about anything, your worries, fears or even share some happy news with the girls'' and you try and tell her as much as you can and you both talk for ages until you come to a stop in front of the familiar white mansion and you are shocked that you didn't even notice the driver pulling up into New Orleans.

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