Chapter Fifteen- A little slip.

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~Trevin's point of view~

It's now been six whole months. I've given up on the thought that she would come back to me. I don't even try to look for her anymore. I did break down and hire someone. I hired a man; I couldn't have a woman do that job anymore. Luke packed up her desk and took it home to her. Luke has even stopped telling me things. It's like she's completely disappeared from my life. Maybe it's for the best.

I do know that she's home alone for the next week. Luke took Bridgette on vacation to propose to her. He talks to me about his relationship with Bridgette. He never mentions Serenity. I'm ok with that. I don't want or need to hear about their relationship. Knowing that she's alone makes me want to go pay her a visit. I won't, though. I'm done with it all. I will see her again; Luke won't go through with a wedding without me there. I also know Bridgette won't have it without Serenity.

Luke and Bridgette left last night. He called me before they got on the plane just to let me know that they were leaving. He still my son. I'm still his dad.

I have a routine. I go to the grocery store every Sunday. I still go to the one by my house. It's my favorite store. They sell a special brand of coffee. I go just for that. I make my way across town.,I don't pay attention to anything. I just focus on what I'm there to get and leave. I don't stick around because the longer I'm on this side of town, the harder it is for me not to go to her house.

I go aisles by aisles putting things in my cart. I turn the corner just in time to see a woman about fall on something that was spilled on the ground. I rushed to catch her before she fell. I quickly stand her up; she turns to look at me.

Serenity: "Thank you."

Trevin: "Serenity...."

My eyes roam her body. Something is different. I keep staring then it hits me.

Trevin: "Is it mine?"

Serenity: "What?"

Trevin: "Your baby Serenity. Is your baby mine or my son's?"

She turns and basically runs away from me.

She is about six or seven months pregnant. I leave my cart and follow her out. I see her taillights as she pulls out. I get in my car and go to my house. It's my house. I'm not knocking; I walk in.

Trevin: "Where's Russ?"

Gabe: "In your office. What got up your ass?"

I don't answer Gabe. I head down the hall to my office; I open the door and go in.

Russ: "Hey Trevin. What's up?"

Trevin: "I need answers, and I don't need you to lie to me."

Russ: "Ok?"

Trevin: "Did you know Serenity was pregnant?"

Russ: "Yes."

Trevin: "Who's the baby's father?"

Russ: "Luke, I assume. We've never asked."

I leave the office and find Candace.

Candice: "What's up, your ass?"

Trevin: "Serenity. Who's her baby's father?"

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