3.) Assumptions Lead to Lies

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There was a long silence, as (y/n) struggled to find the words to say. 'Oh god... They look so hopeful.. I don't want to shatter their hope, but there's nothing that I can-'

"It's nice to meet you, I'm (y/n)'s fiance, Cameron Dallas."

(y/n)'s thoughts were interrupted by Cameron, and she stared at Cam in shock, only to find him with an equally shocked expression. 'Did he just say we were engaged?!' But before she could object, she felt a hand on hers. Cameron held her hand in silent reassurance as (y/n)'s parents sat down in front of them. 'I really hope you know what you're doing, Cameron!' (y/n) internally prayed. "Well well, (y/n) sweetie, you definitely succeeded in the looks department." her mom teased. "I-I know..." (y/n) tried not to show any of the (several) emotions she was feeling as she squeezed Cameron's hand back. 'Just act natural. Act like it's David-' The thought made her mouth shut, as tears threatened to spill over again. 'No... You can do this. You've got this. This isn't David. This is Cameron. Just introduce Cameron as.. the love of your life..' Steeling her resolve, she regained her composure. "But there's a lot more to him than looks, mom." (y/n) said, flashing a warm smile at Cameron. "Ah...You flatter me too much. But thank you." (y/n) noticed a small change in her father's eyes as the man spoke. "Hmm... So Cameron, what exactly are your intentions with my daughter?" Suddenly (y/n)'s mom playfully punched him in the arm. "Oh don't be so blunt, dear. You're going to give him a heart attack." Cam chuckled nervously, but froze as the other man glared holes through him. After a (rather tense) silence, (y/n)'s father burst out laughing. "Relax Cameron. You look like you're at a job interview. I just want to know my daughter is going to be in good hands." Clearing his throat, Cameron glanced at (y/n) before speaking. "Well, I know it's probably an unrealistic thing to hope for, but I hope to give her a happy life. A safe life. One that she won't regret spending with me." Her father nodded, interest piqued. "And why, exactly, would that be unrealistic?" He mulled over his words carefully before replying. "Because I don't want to come across as naive. Life may throw some unexpected twists at us, and I know no one can be completely happy every single second of their lives, but I'll give everything for her happiness to the best of my ability." His grip on (y/n)'s hand tightened a bit at those words, and she stared at him, dumbfounded. 'This man.. who was a total stranger a few hours ago... he's doing all of this for me... And what he just said, about happiness... That almost sounded.. genuine..' (y/n)'s mother interrupted her thoughts with a satisfied sigh. "I knew it. Our little girl would never choose just any scumbag to be her husband. I told you dear, we had no reason to doubt her." The words stung a little, but only for a second. He rolled his eyes. "I suppose you're right. He seems like a decent man-" "Looks like one too!" Her mom added jokingly. The father crossed his arms. "Honey, you're ruining the uh.. professional atmosphere." "Aw, is someone jealous? Don't worry dear, I married you for a reason." (y/n) and Cam held back laughs at her parents bickering. 

The rest of their conversation was fairly lighthearted, mostly filled with (y/n) and Cameron dodging questions they didn't exactly have answers to. "Well, we should be leaving about now, but we'll keep in touch!" Her mother called out as they waved their goodbyes. Once they were gone, Cameron ran a hand through his hair. "I'm so sorry about that. You said you didn't want to disappoint them and you were already so hurt by this David guy and I panicked." (y/n) laughed nervously, feeling more numb than anything in that moment. "That went... better than expected, at least." Suddenly reality came crashing back down, as (y/n) was reminded that she wasn't engaged, and Cameron would probably just disappear now. Disappear... like David disappeared, and she'd be alone. 

"I don't know... I really don't... Feel.. So good..."

Cameron watched as (y/n) fell back against the seat with a light 'thump'. 

'Oh shit... what do I do... What have a done...?' Not really sure what he had just gotten both of them into, but sure that he couldn't just leave (y/n) passed out in a booth, he carefully gathered her things and scooped her up into his arms. 'I guess I have no choice than to take her up to the rooms... Let's just hope the others don't do anything stupid.'


A Love Made of Lies (Cameron Dallas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now