2.) Wait What?

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Cameron felt his heart sink as he read the paper. It was a quickly scrawled note on the back of an ad for a strip club, complete with a coffee stain in the bottom right corner. 'This guy, David, didn't even bother to break it off properly, much less nicely. What an asshole.' Guys like that made Cameron sick. He looked over at the girl next to him who was beginning to have a breakdown, and, not sure what else to do, pulled her into a hug. 'I can't just leave her with something like this. Even though I just met her, I know that she's way too good for some bastard that goes through girls like going through junk mail.' He pulled a pack of tissues from his jacket pocket and tried his best to comfort (y/n) as she began to sob in the middle of the cafe.


Although she was still shaking, (y/n) was calmer now, and finally glanced up at the boy next to her. "I'm sorry Cameron. You shouldn't be dragged you into this." He gave her a reassuring smile as he spoke. "It's OK (y/n). I just wish I could've helped you out more." (y/n) mustered up a smile too. "Believe me, you've done enough. I just don't want to know what my parents are going to say. They'll be so disappointed... I don't even know how to tell them." Another tear slid down her cheek, and Cameron cautiously wiped it away with his thumb. Before (y/n) could respond, an older couple appeared next to the table. "Oh, you must be (y/n)'s fiance!"

(y/n) and Cameron immediately jolted in their seat, and looked up, eyes wide.

"Wait, what?"

"Hello. We're (y/n)'s parents, it's nice to finally meet you."


A Love Made of Lies (Cameron Dallas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now