1.) All Downhill from Here

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For those new to Fanfiction, (which is saddening yet I'm glad you're

reading mine first :3) here is what certain abbreviations and such


(y/n) : Your name

(l/n) : Your last name

(bf/n) : Best friend's name

(e/c) : Eye color

(h/c): Hair color

(f/c) : Favorite color

(A/N) : Author's note (that's where I come in :D)

And I think that's it... if I missed a few I'm sorry ;(

But anyway! To da storrryyyyyyyy!!!!!!

(A/N: It's been 2 years since I put this story on hiatus and now that I'm back, I plan on finishing it, and editing the existing chapters, although I'm not changing the essential plot points, so if you've already read to the hiatus, and don't want to reread everything, that's cool too.)


(y/n) tapped her fingers impatiently, not sure whether she was more nervous or excited. Today was a very

special day for her, after all. She kept glancing down at the beautiful engagement ring

around her finger as she pulled into the parking lot of a high end

hotel. You see, today was the day that (y/n) would finally introduce her

fiance to her parents. They had ever met him before, and sure, that was mostly on purpose, but now that they were engaged, her parents had a right to know who she was gonna spend hopefully the rest of her life with. Sure, their friends said they were too young for marriage, considering she was 19 and he was 21, but there was something that bound them together. His name, you ask? David Cianelli. He and (y/n) had been dating since she was in the 11th grade, and he had proposed about a week ago. 

Upon entering the luxurious hotel lobby, (y/n) walked into the cafè and sat at one of the tables, ordering a small latte while waiting on David and her parents. '(y/n) Cianelli.' She thought whimsically, before suddenly, someone practically dove into the booth across from her. He looked about her age, with messy brown hair and a gorgeous face. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see anyone was in this booth. This probably looks really weird, but.. um.. let me explain. I'm hiding from my friend, because I took his phone about.. an hour ago, and he's pissed." He whispered with a mischievous grin, making (y/n) laugh a little. 'What a strange situation.'

 "No problem. I'm (y/n), by the way." He gave another adorable grin. "Cameron. Cameron Dallas. It's a pleasure to meet you (y/n)."

Suddenly, a boy, roughly 16 years of age, appeared at the entrance to the café. His intense blue eyes burned with anger. "Cameron! I swear if you're in here I'm going to kill you!!" He yelled, drawing the attention of the other patrons. Cameron dove under the table. Thinking quickly, (y/n) took off her huge coat and motioned for Cameron to curl up underneath it on the bench beside her. "Good idea." He whispered as his "friend" began to look around. It wasn't until a few minutes had passed that (y/n) realized how awkward this was, since Cameron wasn't exactly small, and (y/n) had to kind of cover him with her body as the other boy searched the small coffee shop. Stopping at her table he looked at her, exasperated. "Have you seen my friend? He answers to the names "Fucktard", "Asshole", or "Cameron"? He has brown hair and an ass that I'm going to kick as soon as I find it." (y/n) had to stifle a giggle as she replied, "I think I saw someone like that running out of the building." The teen let out a loud groan as he muttered a small "Thank you.", and left.

(A/N: If you haven't noticed, Cameron's friend/victim is Nash!!!! And I'm not really sure how that hiding plan would've worked but I'm tired so... just go with it.)



Once (y/n) saw that he was completely out of the building, she lifted the coat and Cameron sat up, laughing uncontrollably. "That was genius! Thank you so much!" (y/n) scratched her head,  'What a strange situation indeed...' She thought, slightly embarrassed. "It was no problem." Cameron relaxed a little against the bench. "So, my new partner in crime, what brings you here?" (y/n)'s thoughts returned to David, and she couldn't help but smile. "My parents are going to meet my fiance for the first time. I didn't even tell them his name." Cameron's eyebrow raised in interest. "So you never told them anything about the guy you're gonna marry?" Shrugging a little, (y/n) stared into her coffee. "Honestly, I've never told them anything about my relationships. There wasn't really a point if the person I was dating wasn't going to be around forever. But David will be, so they have a right to know." Cameron listened intently, nodding. "Yeah I guess that makes a lot of sense. And you sound pretty happy with this David dude. I'm very happy for you." But before (y/n) could reply, one of the waitresses approached the table, holding a piece of paper.

"Are you Ms. (l/n)?" She asked. (y/n) nodded, and the waitress handed her the paper. "A man just dropped that off for you. Have a nice day." Then she disappeared. Cameron sat quietly, not exactly able to leave since he was on the inside of the booth, as (y/n) read over the messily handwritten words:

'Dear (y/n), I'm sorry it had to be like this, but some stuff happened, and I've come to the conclusion that I can't get married right now. I hate to have this happen, but I just can't throw my life away for you. But don't worry. Life is really looking up for me baby. When I make it big, I'll try to find you again.

See ya around,

Or not,

 David Cianelli.'

(y/n) stared in utter disbelief at the words. 'There has to be some kind of mistake..There has to be something besides...This!' She reread the small note over and over, not truly able to process what it meant. 'Why? Why now? We were so perfect.. We were going to be perfect.. and have a perfect life.. Forever...' Cameron quickly noticed her shift in expression. "What's wrong (y/n)? What is it? What does it say?" She simply handed him the paper and put her head in her hands as the tears began to fall.

'Is it... all downhill from here?'


(A/N: I hope y'all like the edited version and I'm not just going back and ruining it lol. Tell me what you think in the comments~~~)

A Love Made of Lies (Cameron Dallas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now